Monday, April 25, 2011

Can You Bleach White?


This theoretical and practical course trains students, teachers and researchers in the use of electronic resources for the recovery and analysis of specialized information effectively and efficiently. Are displayed online electronic resources most relevant and practical, especially databases and specialized computer programs.
Organizers: Gustavo Adolfo Silva Arias (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) and Lina Caballero Villalobos (Universidad Nacional de Colombia).

minimum Quota: 20 persons
Limit: 20 people
Cost: $ 180,000
Place: Universidad del Valle, Cali.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blister Bumps On Butt

day Photos of the day otos

How Can I Get My Wood Stove To Stay On All Night

And with this we take a short break, we
Monday 25/04 / 2011 ...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Nauseated And Bloated In The Evening


Itzel-Are you taking German lessons Yasser? Yasser, if
Itzel-ohh, I know some words, and I've always wanted to learn German
some words are not pronounced as written
-not true
Itzel, if true, for example, w is pronounced as v
Yasser-no, good in some cases
Itzel, that if I took an online course-
Yasse well, who is taking the class? you or yooo?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Swollen Breasts Before Period And Watery Cm?

I despair, You're a hero!

Lalo, prevented the fall of a woman in the subway, with the consequences of his cell phone was crushed in a stamp ...

Not everyone is willing to do this kind of altruistic actions, so we are full of pride in the Repository Athena by Lalo.

The Quote of the Day:

there's the rub!

Monday, April 11, 2011

What Did Discobolus Reveal About Greek Values

What do you dream when one works with Layla

DREAM: 'm at sea and I have to do some research on sharks, but sharks are VERY dangerous and it makes me scared to death, then it strikes me that I can do is examine indicators that tell me as are the sharks (or whatever I have to investigate), any thing, but do not have to be contact with the sharks. And it occurs to me!: Make the search for "shark" in PubReminer, and see what are the words most associated with "shark" in the literature because so I can know what indicators to consider to do my research of sharks . Solved!
I woke up really happy:)

OBJECTIVE: Make a dream into a reality. (We BioGeek's,)
MATERIAL AND METHOD: I (Edd) I made the query in PubReminer, I focused only on mesh, ti_ab_mh_rn words) and country (for which there are more accidents on [ inference].)

RESULTS: PubReminer shows off the list of words, mesh and nation. The most commonly used words are the ways of classifying shark genome sequence, metabolism, etc. The top countries are the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Australia (obviously, all oceans, livelihoods, food and / or accidents.)

DISCUSSION: PubMed biomedical research only, no area of \u200b\u200bEcology and Resources (although it would be good [PubRec]). We found no risk INID Pubmed. What we can confirm it is in the country (even in the movies that show) where sharks are more abundant (studies and accidents).

1. Teresita, for a start
2. We are in the wrong base.

Graaaciiiiaaas Lalo! :) N_n

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Footy Players In Jocks

Quote of the day three months Athena

Layla-What is an algorithm? Ricardo
-(eating Maruchan soup) and giving its simplest explanation: "An orderly series of steps (commands) to solve a finite problem,"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Laser Knives And Surgery

Prediction For My Kundli

Information, computer and ciencimetría for the study of aging

Since 1950 the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) began a remarkable development, this transformation has affected the communication and the social, economic, political and cultural world as a result of increased capacity to generate, organize, share, transmit, analyze and disseminate information.
This (r) evolution of information is characterized by the use of digital format, overcrowding, democratization, custom automation, updating and immediacy, influences and is influenced by the scientific and technological progress of the twentieth century. Refer to information in the XXI century involves the mention of terms, methods, new and innovative theories as knowledge society, information society, globalization, infodiversidad, access to information, e-science e-research, grids, collaboratory, knowledge based on literature, text mining (text mining), Semantic Web, impact index, cocitation, web 2.0 and 3.0, social networking, plagiarism, free access, right to forget, computing cloud (cloud computer) or ontologies, to name the most common.
One purpose of our laboratory for Information, Computer and ciencimetría in biological sciences is to investigate the analysis of biological science today: structure, development, trends, patterns and relationships to determine the impact of digital revolution in biology and disseminate theories, methods, applications and electronic tools (cyberinfrastructure) most novel and innovative search, retrieval, management and meta-analysis (bibliometrics, network analysis, text mining and semantic) of digital literature according to the needs and challenges of our time.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Can You Give Your Dog Klonipin?

The incident Layla Foot

Be vigilant when you walk between postmodern sculptures, abstract and dangerous. PREVENT ACCIDENTS!
Here the consequences of the incident described in pictorial form:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Glow In The Dark Jelly Bracelets Meaning

In a Saturday in the repository

What To Expect Gliobastoma

Athena Saturday

Layla and Teresita
our ergonomic seats

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Genital Acne How Long Do It Last?

Information , computer and ciencimetría for the study of aging: approaches, challenges and prospects

Through this I extend warm greetings and an invitation to attend the fortnightly meeting of the Interdisciplinary Research Seminars Institute of Geriatrics Health Ministry, which on this occasion will be presented by Layla Michán, with the theme the theme

"Information, computer and ciencimetría for the study of aging: approaches, challenges and prospects"

See you on Tuesday April 5, 2011 at 9:00 am at the Seminar Room (Building B, 2nd floor, south wing). Free admission

South Loop # 2767, San Jeronimo Lidice. Del. Magdalena Contreras, DF

View My Saved in a larger map


RETOSYPERSPECTIVAS. Since 1950 the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) began a remarkable development, this transformation has affected the communication and the social, economic, political and cultural world as a result of increased capacity to generate, organize, share, transmit, analyze and disseminate information.
This (r) evolution of information is characterized by the use of digital format, overcrowding,
democratization, custom automation, updating and immediacy, influences and is influenced by the scientific and technological progress of the twentieth century. Refer to information in the XXI century involves the mention of terms, methods, new and innovative theories as knowledge society, information society, globalization, infodiversidad, access to information, e-science, e-research grids, collaboratory, knowledge based on literature, text mining (text mining), Semantic Web, impact index, cocitation, web 2.0 and 3.0, social networking, plagiarism, withdrawal, unrestricted, right to forget, cloud computing ( cloud computer) or ontologies, to name the most common.
One purpose of our laboratory for Information, Computer and ciencimetría in biological sciences is to investigate the analysis of biological science today: structure, development, trends, patterns and relationships to determine the impact of the digital revolution in biology and Share theories, methods, applications and electronic tools (cyberinfrastructure) most novel and innovative search, retrieval, management and meta-analysis (bibliometrics, network analysis, text mining and semantic) of digital literature, according to the needs and challenges of our time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Create Wrestling Singlet


asked me about the fundamental concepts that should be considered a biologist (I would tell anyone) on the subjects of my field, in a very short here are:

  • The understanding and practice of science change over time.
  • Science is a way to gain new knowledge about reality and una actividad social. Los científicos se organizan en grupos, se colabora, se subvenciona, se evalúa, se institucionaliza y se planea. Su principal producto es la publicación científica del nuevo conocimiento en revistas y libros especializados.
  • El análisis de la ciencia actual es una tarea interdisciplinaria entre las que resaltan el papel de la historia, sociología, filosofía, etnografía, ciencimetría, divulgación, planeación y la política científica a partir de las cuales se puede estudiar la estructura, el desarrollo, las tendencias, las relaciones, las teorías, los problemas, los métodos y las tecnología involucradas en la práctica científica.
  • Biology is a science that was formalized in the early twentieth century and has developed a dizzying pace during the twentieth century. Its cornerstones are the so-called cell theory, theory of evolution and the laws of inheritance. This discipline has its origins in the History and Natural Philosophy, in charge of naming, describing, classifying and understanding the processes of nature through the study of form, function and transformation of living beings. At the beginning of the century, formed the genetic and evolutionary studies, soon after developed the molecular biology and ecology, and recently highlighted the omic's, bioinformatics, evo-devo, biodiversity studies and systems biology in different approaches to the study of living things that have gone through the description, classification and experimentation in vivo , in vitro and in silico of biological reality.
  • The number and diversity of digital information that occurs on biology is immense, it is essential to any subject or specialist to be updated on developments in information and biological information according to the needs and challenges of the electronic revolution, such as the use of databases, library collections, text mining, semantics, ontologies and e-grids caracteríticos of e-science as practiced in the XXI century.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Should I Give My Baby Anbesol

Social Service and / or thesis and graduate

you like to collaborate with a dynamic research group, multidisciplinary and cutting edge.
want to specialize in using the latest Web resources and innovative management of scientific information.
train you interested in information and computer science
plan to integrate initiatives and international conventions, national, and institutional allow you to develop professionally.
You are excited to participate in projects on:
Analysis of current science: structure, dynamics, development and relationships.
Design, updating and maintenance of library collections. TICS
for biology: possibilities, uses and applications.
information and informatics for biomedicine, or biodiversity.
bibliometric indicators. Portales
computer literacy to science. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE


Friday, March 11, 2011

How Big Is Jefree Stars Penis

Science and obsolescence ...

The computer Became NECESSARY Only When the number of Known sequences Began to grow exponentially as an Endeavor ......... Science Thrives on obsolescence.

Doolittle, RF (2010). The roots of bioinformatics in protein evolution. PLoS Comput Biol , 6 (7), e1000875 +. URL

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ocular Hypertension Surgery

12 th. Postgraduate Fair

How To Watch Southparkstudios On Itouch

TaXmeX Collection taxonomic literature published in Mexico online!


Collection taxonomic literature published in Mexico

is now available online! Collection
taxonomic articles published in Mexico during the twentieth century, this database contains about 90% of the information produced Taxonomy in Mexico during the twentieth century and has historic and taxonomic application. Captured with 57 periodicals, 28 journals examined, 1079 volumes analyzed, 1329 numbers analyzed, captured 6578 articles, 6150 articles analyzed, 79.294 total pages, 2460 authors captured, 2331 authors analyzed belonging to 44 countries and 164 Mexican institutions, and 31 types taxonomic work, to name the most important.

is now charged to 100% of the information are at the stage of validation and standardization. Soon begin the update phase in which we will complete the published literature from 2000.
Available at:

Michán, L., & Llorente, J. (2003). Taxonomy in Mexico during the twentieth century. Publ. Esp Mus. Zool , 13, 1-250. URL \\ ~ layla/2003/tesisdoctoradolayla.pdf

Friday, March 4, 2011

Whats A Good Basketball Warmup Song

paper for magazines and Bibliometrics Mesa [FIL-Mining 2011]

BIBLAT Mesa, ECUM and SciELO: bibliometric and scientometric indicators of academic journals
Mexican Objective: To present a Mexican magazine publishers new developments focused on the generation of bibliometric indicators and scientometric from information published in Mexican journals indexed in CLASS, REGULAR and SciELO, Mexico. For this purpose, explains the features and functionality BIBLAT, the Comparative Study of Mexican Universities (ECUM) and SciELO, Mexico. Moreover, Layla Michán specialist bibliometrics, state the meaning and relevance of bibliometric indicators. The overall objective of the event is to endorse the importance of the relationship between publishers and indexing systems, and the responsibility of both players in science communication and representation of national science through indicators metric. PAPERS

- Meaning and relevance of bibliometric indicators: Dr. Layla Michán (Faculty of Sciences, UNAM)

Bibliometrics XXI century has been established as a practice relevant to the assessment, policy and scientific management, but Not only that, it is a basic tool for information search and analysis tools involving novel, innovative approaches and visions frills interdisciplinary and inclusive representations of science in the digital age.

- Indicators of scientific and academic production from portal-Execum ECUM: Dr. Alejandro Márquez Jiménez and Francisco Javier Lozano Espinosa (Department General Institutional Assessment, UNAM)

- Indicators of citation and Impact Factor SciELO-Mexico: Ing Oralia Carrillo (General Directorate of Libraries, UNAM)

- Indicators of scientific production and coauthorship in BIBLAT: Mr. Isela Garcia (General Directorate of Libraries, UNAM)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Will An 8.5 Kg Gas Bottle Last

The challenges of information age in our country bibliometrics

Symposium "The challenges of information age in our country," in which

discuss about the status and prospects of computers in Mexico.
The venue is the auditorium of IIMAS, UNAM, but also the event will
accessible to our community through video conferencing and web-cast.
The symposium is organized around four thematic sessions, each
one with a lecture followed by a panel, as follows:
1) Technology, information and knowledge in decision making
2) Information systems for education.
3) Health Informatics.
4) Development of Information Technologies and Communication

The event will have the participation as lecturers
master: Dr. Adolfo Guzman Arenas
Dr. Alberto Cañas, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition grooved /
Dr. Ewdard Shortilffe, University of Texas Health Science Center ~ shortlif /
Dr. Raul Rojas, Freie Universität Berlin
red /

The detailed program and registration through the various
means of access is available at:
http://www.retosinformacion. /

Friday, February 18, 2011

Left Leg Hurts When I Drink Alcohol

Presentation of research on Drosophila

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Finish A Bead Loom Bracelet

Example of a

Les transcribe the message of congratulations on being named student adviser Mendeley:

Diigo That you, me Ulik Webdados much, I just said yahoo! emotion, and you visualizeus successfully, you'll go to the cloud with that.

Greetings and a hug to Mickeyland!

This cool! Arturo already a

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Adventure Island Rohini Online Book Ticket

BioGeek Journal of Universal Rejection: "No doubt the best magazine scientific "now ready to start

Very recomndable, view, full view> ~ Emmons / JofUR /

I hope the Mexican scientific community consider it within the journals of quality test.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Excavator Operator License

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Crazy Gay Truth Or Dare Questions

Bibliometric analysis of research with Drosophila

Michán, L., Castaneda Sortibrán, A., Rodriguez-Arnaiz, R., & Ayala, FJ (2010). Global Research Drosophila melanogaster: a bibliometric analysis. Drosophila Information Service , 93, 232-243 +. URL \\% 20232.pdf

An overview of research with Drosophila from bibliometric research using PubMed and Web of Sciences.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Does Biting Nail Stop Finger Growth

Over and out. MOCO

For various reasons, I decided to take a break in this blog. When you have spent a few months, we'll see if I can, open it again.

Until then, I wish you all a great year, now starting to take its first steps. Looking to 2011 and in general, I leave you with words of Beckett that I have never forgotten the first time I read them:
"No matter. Try again, fail again. Fail better."

Gloryhole Mission Valley Ikea

here. Juanele comics are one of the Mexican artists I met recently in Mexico City, published online directory. I recommend you take a look, Juanele seems great.

(Al parrot Gabi, it is of yours ", in fact there showed him your blog and quickly signed him, saw everything that you like: John Stanley, Bushmill, children of the 50 artists in general, etc.)

repeat: Juanele . A beast.

Can Gonhorrea Stay On Clothes


Reach The Cheater

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hot Fashion Without Cloth

"Flex Mentallo" was reissued

After being "missing in action for years, discontinued by a rights issue, is republished Flex Mentallo, a cult comic Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. That I have and I could only browse years home of a friend, or I can buy it at last. Explains José Torralba in Negative Zone

Polaroid Instant Camera 600 Target

Graphic Novels

"I read Maus and I exploded in his face"
- Marjane Satrapi (video)

(via Tebeobien )

Ontario Tortoise For Sale


1984. At the end of 1984, George Orwell, appeared an appendix entitled "The Principles of Newspeak." It explained the basic principles of Newspeak, a very simplified version of English that the authoritarian regime of the Party of the novel used and intended to implement among citizens. copy of wikipedia Summary it well:

"The goal of creating such a language was to replace the viejalengua ( Oldspeak ), ie, that the reader would be the current English, so dominate the thinking of party members and do other forms of thought unviable contrary to the principles of Ingsoc (what the book is known as a crime of thought, or ideadelito crimental, depending on the translator of the book). For example, to prevent people want or think freedom, it eliminates the unwanted meanings of the word, so that the very concept of political or intellectual freedom no longer exists in the minds of speakers. " In

1984, as is known, the Party embodied in the Big Brother had a Ministry of Truth and also had officials who were responsible for suppressing every day new official dictionary words, particularly, of course, words that were considered " dangerous. " ---

1986. One example among many of how it was used in a natural "graphic novel" in the 80, in the scene, no one is tearing their clothes:
"Actually," Batman: Year One "Has Its origins in Miller's concept for original the Dark Knight series Some years ago. It Was Then That Proposed Miller and Steve Gerber to DC their idea for the “Metropolis” line of comics, which would revamp DC’s three principal characters and start their continuity over again from the beginning. The new Wonder Woman series would have been titled Amazon , the new Superman series The Man of Steel (which, of course, would not have been the same as John Byrne’s series of the same name), and the new Batman series would have been called Dark Knight . “I plotted the first four issues of the Batman title,” Miller says, but the Metropolis line was never launched, and he later used some of the ideas he had worked up for the Batman in his recent graphic novel series".
Esto lo escribía Peter Sanderson in the journal Amazing Heroes # 102 (September 1986). The last sentence meant, of course, the four volumes of THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, collected in 1987 into one that was called by supuestísimo, graphic novel. It was called so from its own DC and was named in the journals of the scene, but from there, also in the general media Where did the work reviewed, which were many (Rolling Stone, New York Times, Village Voice , The Observer, The Times, etc.). In some of the media to quote the term because of its novelty then, "graphic novel." And yet, there was little doubt that this graphic novel was comic, even a new kind of comic book readers to the general public were not accustomed to the heights of 1986.

DC A notice inserted in the comic books of the time (yes, put "graphic novel")

An announcement of Titan Books, 1987 ---

2011. why I can not help being astonished by this move today starring some intended, based on "corrections" in the language if anyone uses it, if not direct insults or humiliating jokes, "abolish" the term graphic novel, although I keep using a lot of people, especially general media right now.

anyone use the term if you do not like, I say, but let whoever wants to use it to keep doing it, but now is associated with "other" comic book (as was the other day in the Babelia list of the Country, by the way: FOOTNOTES TO GAZA, Joe Sacco). Because graphic novel is a term that is in the tradition of comics, comes in the comic, is developed and popularized it. It is in our vocabulary, in the culture of comics. I do not understand that someone intends to "erase" him. And, as I said more than once, if you disown a term that is in the culture of comics then yes, that's when someone who does not know the culture of comics might think that the graphic novel has broken "spontaneously." And that has nothing to do with the tradition of the comic.