Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What To Say In A Wedding Card For My Sister

Seekers / The Finders - WIP

Disclaimer: Neither Fara or Star Fox mine. Owned by Benimaru Itoh and Shigeru Miyamoto, respectively. John, Allison and Lucy, and others are my creation, so if someone wants to use them should at least give me credit me.

Fanfic Rating: T

"" What is said
[] links to songs you hear it in the next scene ended

edited 08/08/1906 07/09/2008

retaken 12/30/1908 08/07/1909 resumed

Last Wish
Chapter 2 - The Finders
by Millia Vargas

Even the stars were visible in sky of the city, when Fox came time to get up.
was used to waking up early, but the idea of \u200b\u200breturning to school and live with a bunch of teenagers spoiled him shudder.

After dressing and take a quick breakfast, Fox was placed on the area under the neck, the monitoring chip that Katt had left the night before. The yellow envelope drew a new ID card and the small and faithful laptop that had applied all students get to school. Taking a last breath, Fox finally left the room.

Outside, the hallway lights were lit one by one as he moved, effectively guiding the door of the elevator, which opened its doors wide to welcome him. Once the doors closed, the elevator began to descend.

During the tour, on the walls of the elevator were displayed various types of advertising and propaganda. From images of business jets and vaccines for diseases that he thought were incurable.

Fox realized that as lowered floors, the type of commercials was changing. For the hundredth floor was deployed publicity for the latest invention of Enterprising Zoness laboratories Trading Markets: The new Freelander.

was known that Zoness freelanders came from, but never had too much momentum out of the planet, as it used to float an unusual and scarce fuel. Apparently, the new urban freelanders were lighter vehicles capable of fly without using the rare fuel used by the ancients. Remember mentioning it to Slippy. Sure would be interested.

Thereafter, showed only commercial canned food and cafes.

Despite being in a five hundredth floor, the elevator took no more than a few minutes to descend. The doors opened wide and left for dead in the hotel lobby, where he received a cheetah wearing a dress funny enough as to remove a smile on his face.

"Your car is waiting, sir," the manager said solemnly.

"My car?" Fox asked puzzled.

"Mr. Kei Fox," said the manager, by closing one eye. "Let me show you the way."

Fox understood the gesture immediately and followed the game, let it guide you to the hotel parking lot, where he expected a freelander black with tinted windows. Cheetahs opened the back door through which Fox became the subject closed the door behind him and entered through the front door, putting the vehicle in motion. No one else was inside.

"General Pepper regrets not having notified this in advance, but suspicion of a deserter from the top. He has sent me secretly, without the consent of any of them ..."

Fox rolled her eyes in indifference, there was something I had not suspected before being exiled. He had also warned about it.

"... Pepper does not show, but I spent enough time with him and know he's worried. Losing track of a saleswoman at a moment's notice is serious. It must be very careful with the Seekers, McCloud."

"What else do they know? A Monroe was denied that information." At last there was something that could be useful and that this person knew.

"We do not know more about them than you know. But I can tell, it is certain that they know that you are on the way. Their networks extend beyond a simple bunch of students. "

" They may be related to the critic of Corneria? "

" The truth is we do not know what their real intentions. If you really help civilians under the power of Andross, or are trying to mislead us. "

Fox crossed his arms and frowned.
" If it is a second mission, then I demand that we pay twice ".

" Consider it done. Find the search engine and find out their intentions. We suspect that this Johann Krause is the leader. "

Okay, Samantha Coll depart where it left off. Be assured of being very noisy.

"What is Papetoon" asked the cheetah trying to lighten the mood.

Fox smiled at the question and relaxed his stance. Had good and bad memories of the small planet. It would keep the good forever. ----

male, medium height, about forty years, but not matching the description he had given Samantha Coll blog.

rang the bell, but Fox did not flinch. Rather sat on the bench even in the yard, while everyone else is rushing to get there before the class began. It is correct that he had agreed to be enrolled at school, but did not mean I had to attend classes, right?. He smiled to himself when the thought passed through his head.


went there for a while, taking the first rays of sun, one might even say that was starting to get bored.

"You again," said a voice behind you. "Corneria is not it?"

Fox turned his head to see the newcomer, was the hare.

"What are you doing outside?" He asked.

"If you do not know where I can find the search engines, you'd better leave me alone."

The hare did not respond. Fox
reojo, algo decepcionado porque al parecer nadie tenía respuestas.
"Preocúpese por sus asuntos", dijo finalmente.

La liebre suspiró y lo agarró del brazo con fuerza, levantándolo de la banca y guiándolo hacia una de las salas de clase. "Es extraño que lo digas, como inspector de esta escuela, los alumnos son mi único asunto. Y más aún cuando se tratan de vagos como tú".

"¡¿Cómo sabes que esa es mi sala?!", dijo Fox mientras avanzaba, renuente.

"No lo sé. Pero es mejor que tenerte vagando en el patio", replicó el inspector mientras abría la puerta. "Bioética servirá para que tomes más en serio tu life, "he continued with some sarcasm in his voice.

Fox growled. Of course, life was serious, perhaps too seriously.

The room was almost empty and there was silence.

" Class, this student need to feel more welcome, "said Fox inspector while holding the back of the neck, doing a bit of pressure.

" You can sit there, "said the teacher on duty, pointing to an empty desk in the first row. Fox was due to release of the hand holding her neck from behind with increasing force.

"You're not here to study. What of your business with the Search Engines? ", the cat showed his sharp teeth, while holding his little hand stronger neck of his shirt.

Fox frowned and grunted." For me there are more than a myth is impossible, "

" What is your issue with the search engines? "he asked, slightly raising his voice, dropping his shirt

Fox" I need to find someone. Someone told me I could be here, "Fox said the cat looking sideways, some skepticism in his voice.

" Do not come back to ask for them openly again. Ever. "Muttered was the last thing the cat while turned around, summarizing his work on his desk. No further exchange of words between the two for the rest of the class.

Fox spent all that time thinking about how to place this discrete group of people. The cat inadvertently revealed something very important about the Search Engine: This type of secrecy only occurred when someone was being persecuted by the authorities or was at risk of being killed.

Exactly what was happening in Zoness?

Recess at that school was different from the breaks that were in Corneria, where Fox grew. For some reason, I had the strange sensation of being continually observed. Apparently it was not the only one who felt the same could not ignore the fact that students were more cautious than usual and limited their conversation to no more than the everyday, not even trying to lift too much voice. Such tension is sensed in the air.

Where to find the search engines at this school? All were extremely cautious and acted as if they were to be shot from one day to another. There was nothing unusual or suspicious about it, not there.

Fox began to think that the cat and showoff pony had played a trick. Decided to give up that futile search and left to find the white cat who threatened in class. It was difficult

find the person in question. Rather, it seemed as if the cat wanted to be found, there was the inspector who had also warned the mountain hare, a cat and a fennec. It was the only group that was seated, while all others were standing and kept moving as if they could not see them, as if they were not there. Or as if they were hiding.

A shiver ran down her back. Something in his gut told him that they were what he was looking for. And every bone in his being was determined to find out. Fox inhaled a deep breath and with firm steps went to the center of the courtyard, where they found the cat and group. Had just rung the bell, but it did not matter. Had it not been so tense, and do not continue to feel seen, a sarcastic laugh would have escaped his lips. Never thought it would be easier to find the search engines.

A cold breeze went through the knees of young bodies. They sat in a circle without lifting his eyes from the fellow who was in front, waiting for the signal in silence. Around, you could hear conversations, whispers and laughter, all distorted by the silence created inside the circle, silence similar to that felt when immersed in water.

The blue-haired feline closed eyes and sighed.
"There will be storm," he said.

The others nodded in silence and feline growled in response, the silence began to overwhelm her.

"It's important that nobody knows what you do, Allison," said the youngest of the group. It was the white cat. "We must make ourselves visible only to those who want to meet." This nodded the two rabbits.

The fennec, on the other hand, could not help but notice they were being observed by someone else 'presence', its large ears are hiding behind your head.
"Someone's coming, John."

Within minutes the yard was completely cleared. The only remaining subjects were 'Seekers' and 'User'.

The white cat stood to exchange glances with Fox

"I know." He sensed something strange about him, but it was their job to find, no question. "Fara, your name must remain secret to this guy."

The fennec observed John, worried. When John said that was because he suspected the client. A suspicious client always meant a dirty job.

"Who is he?" Murmured Fara.

"Kei Fox", said the two rabbits together.

"It's new, he was transferred from Corneria" continued John, never take off in view of the eyes of Fox, as he was coming more and more. I knew the language of the dogs look straight in the eye was synonymous with threat and wanted it that way. At this distance, John was aware that everything murmur would be heard, so he decided to say the least, and silenced the rest.

Allison had remained silent all the time, not only felt the same sense of insecurity to the new client, but also thought he had seen before the subject in question. Do not remember where.

Fox stopped in front of John, he felt he had been absorbed by the silence that young people had been generated by some strange technology, were now completely hidden from others, despite being in front of their noses.

to anyone other than the situation would have seemed bizarre, and even hilarious, to see the little boy cat who was just over the subway, standing beneath a towering six-foot fox. John straightened his shoulders in a futile attempt to look taller, still did not help him overcome the subway and some height. Being a boy genius had its drawbacks in such situations, but John seemed not to mind that little detail.

"So are you. No wonder this asshole is so angry when I asked where to find them, "Fox said finally, pointing to John.

" Asshole? "said John, smiling sarcastically in the direction of Fox and starting to get upset, somewhere in his head felt that vein beginning to throb.

For a second the silence of the bubble burst and the outside noise invaded the ears of everyone.

"John!" murmured Fara, desperation in her voice.

The silence returned as John regained his composure. Fox for his part, took note and vowed not to provoke the cat back, something to disturb the calm atmosphere of the Inland protective layer that hid. Would have to find out what kind of technology used one of these.

"Who are you looking for?" Said John, pulling Fox of his thoughts.

"Who is the leader? Prefer to speak with him."

"I am," John said quietly, "Who are you looking for?".

Fox sighed and knew he could not be true, but decided to let that happen.
"Johnann Krause"

Immediately, Fox could see a change in ambient air, cold air hit your body penetrating to the bones. Something told him that cold that nothing was right, something within your being told to run, to escape, which bounces the mission. What was happening? "Samantha had felt this too? Who was Johann Krause?

He was stronger. None of his feet were off the position in which they were, Fox decided to stay.

And something in that cold room broke.

The fennec raised his head and first exchanged glances with him. Eyes were full of wonder ... and sadness. The two rabbits looked to the ground and the cat gave a little grunt. The children laugh

John broke the silence, he seemed be the most relaxed of the group and showed her back to Fox and sitting on the floor again, watching his fellow seekers.

"Did not I tell?" He said finally, "Lara, please let them space Kei"

John Fara looked at her quizzically, but made room for the new client, as they had requested.

This change of attitude was the most frightened Fox Something that laugh without feeling cold and he still felt his body made him suspicious of all that was being presented before their eyes. I would have preferred to stand, but there was no turning back. Without hesitation he sat down, right between the fennec and the cat.

"Tell me, Kei. What is your relationship with this guy Johann?" Asked John, his composure and speech were so light that seemed like he was talking about the weather ... or as if I had that conversation before.

Fox The question took completely by surprise, but decided to try his luck.
"I know he knows someone who died in Garden City five years ago,"

"Who are you really?" asked John, his face completely serious now.

"Coll Where's Samantha?" Said Fox with the same degree of seriousness. He had apparently been right on the money and if they were beginning to suspect he very well could get away a little of his character.

John smiled.

"Lara will guide you," he said as his hand approached the collar of Fox

"We do not look at us, we will come to you." With those words, the cat looked at the inspector, who rose from his post and went to Fox

"You do not need this," he said and grabbed his neck again, in the same way as he had sustained during class and removed a small piece of metal that Fox could not make out clearly. Within seconds, the group disappeared, and Fox was found only with the inspector.

tried not find them. If anything, he realized, was that none of them had odor. Probably were never there, perhaps he was dealing with holograms that time. Investigate

Seekers would be a real challenge.


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