Friday, February 9, 2007

Is Drinking Pellegrino Bad When Pregnant?

WIP Part I / Part I

Disclaimer: Neither Fara or Star Fox mine. Owned by Benimaru Itoh and Shigeru Miyamoto, respectively. John, Allison and Lucy, and others are my creation, so if someone wants to use them should at least give me my credit.

Fanfic Rating: T

"" What is said
'' What is believed
[] links to songs you hear it in the next scene

Started on 04/01/1907 at the 23:05 hrs. Returning to the

02/01/1907 Last Wish

Chapter 8 - Garden City Part I by Millia Vargas

"Thanks ..." That was all he could say after 5 minutes Fara traveling, sitting in the back of the motorcycle, his hands grasping the waist slightly Fox was expeditious transit, but they were sirens behind.

"Ten ..." Fox handed him a small capsule. "I will trouble the ears, but is for safety, I increase the speed." Fara

received the capsule and instantly it became a safety helmet, which is carefully placed on his head. Electricity flowed down the sides of the hull to form a shield that fit perfectly to the shape of his nose.

"How did you know? That John would be there"

"He contacted me just before I die" A pained him to admit that Fox had failed to save him and Lucy.

"Why, Kei?" Fara asked. His voice was tired, because that was how he felt, exhausted and devastated. Fara let his head supported on the back of Fox

"I'm Kei" said Fox, fortunately was wearing a helmet. Do not want to admit that he lied, let alone someone who was so like his mother. In a sense, it felt almost like a puppy again. His thoughts were interrupted by the loud and excessive inhalation of Fara.

"Of course you're Kei, to smell like him," replied Fara. Her innocent look and voice a little surprised.

"No, I did not mean that!" Fox growled again grateful to have a helmet, his cheeks swelled "I smell!". Fara

smile. Someone was going crazy.

"My real name is Fox"

All the bells rang in the thoughts of Fara ... something I had to do with the mission being undertaken

'Fox McCloud ...' The

imperialists Where was leading? Where was John? And what the hell I was doing on the vehicle of an imperialist?

"BASTARD!" Fara shouted, angry. With both fists began to beat Fox in the back.
This caught by surprise. Apparently he had missed something, because to be so small, Fara hit pretty hard.

"Stop the machine!"

"There's something you do not understand, Fara" Fox tried to say between every shot he received in the back. Try talking, driving, take hits, keep out of the car Fara and try to reason with her at the same time, it was something for what had not been trained.

"I quite understand, Fox McCloud ... you and your dirty ass imperialist me a trap, you knew who was from the start, you pig"

Patience was something that Fox was working, but should stop this madness. "They were deceived! All of you. All this time only been killing innocent civilians, and I ... I have always been on the other side from the beginning ...".

Fara, at some point in the explanation, it stopped. The last thing your ears have heard correctly was 'innocent civilians'. The acronym ZETM also attracted his attention and awakened in her the same hatred that had contained within it five years ago. Ira fortunately was controlled with little reason left to him.

"... I Zoness you off as soon as possible, Andross is trying to exterminate the search engines and has started for you"

"Andross ..." He must be dreaming. This should be the cause of his weary and traumatized mind.

"Why did you left the hospital? Should be resting" Fox could not help looking back for a second to ask this. Luckily Fara had a helmet because, otherwise, Fox would have died with the look he was giving Fara.

'Why you're asking so much? This type ...!' He did not think much. Her mouth had begun to react even before your mind can think what he was saying. "John was,"

"Did you know that John was there?" Fox asked, a bit of surprise in his voice. "Fara, did you leave that ...?"

"NO! I would never have allowed!" Fara stopped. I was losing patience, he was acting irrationally and was aware of it.

"How did you know?" Fara was silent for a long time. Sirens could be heard even from behind, but more and more away.

"In this place ..." Fara began, his thoughts traveling to that fateful day that would seal their fates forever. "It's nothing you concern."

End of discussion.

'Fara is a woman of many words "Fox thought sarcastically. Thought interrupted by the shrill sound of one of his flat tire. Motorcycle immediately lost his balance and stumbled suddenly, a scream escaped from the mouth of Fara, who clung with all his might to Fox to avoid falling off the motorcycle in motion. Fortunately, Fox was able to control the situation before the motorcycle collapsing to the ground or collide with vehicles traveling on the tracks adjacent to them. The wheel plate burned soil and sparks flew whenever the motorcycle is tilted.

"Shit!" Fox cried, this was not in their plans. Without another thought, Fara took the waist with one arm, while the other held the steering wheel trying to keep the bike balanced.

"Let go, Fox!" Fara cried, his thin arms Fox pushing forward.

That was the last straw. Fox had enough.
"It seems that you fail to understand our situation!" Exploded.

Getting this reaction, Fara immediately stopped moving. This new leadership position gave Fox enough time to secure it better. Quickly, Fox released control of the bike and jumped onto the roof of a landfree unfortunate passing by. By the time they both left the motorcycle were wearing helmets that were converted into capsules, which quickly fell to a concrete floor, forgotten.

The motorcycle, totally out of control, collided with the front of the moving vehicle. The driver, completely surprised, honked twice. Instinctively, Fox Fara on his face bounced to the ceiling of landfree, dropping him with her. The motorcycle had been thrown up after the collision, passed over them a few centimeters higher, literally over their heads.

"Falco kill me" Fox sighed dramatically, he regained his seriousness when he felt the body of Fara shivering under his hand. Fox could not help but watch as his big ears back huddled against the wind, how Fara slowly raised his head to look at him and only him with those emerald green eyes ...

"I broke your nose, you idiot!" A small trickle of blood began to fall on the body part in question, to finish on your lips, keep rolling until your chin and slowly fall to the roof of landfree.

"What" Sorry "Fox mutters in amazement. Never thought a woman so angry I could be so appealing at the same time ... But it definitely was not his type. Definitely not.

Fara grunted, with one of his hands withdrew the blood from his face. I did not want to admit it, but it was just a little scratch compared to other injuries he had suffered. And what did that fox liar looking?.

[Core Splendor lift off ]
Suddenly, Fox broke all eye contact with Fara, only to look down.

"Our stop is approaching, do you think you can jump on your own?"

"Delete?" Fara had not noticed, but the landfree of burden that had been raised about twenty feet above ground level. Fara stood up to see what Fox did. A small shiver ran down her back, they passed beneath landfrees filled rows in the distance you could hear sirens and even helicopters. The military's reach if not jumping.

"No time!" Fox shouted, all sound left his lips overshadowed by the wind that clashed with his face, his hair and clothes falling apart in all directions because of it. Fara

did not have time to keep thinking and answer the question that was made, Fox had picked up speed and jumping when landfree, grabbed Fara's waist again. His feet no longer touched nothing but air.

"Hold on to me. I promise that nothing will happen if you do" Fox muttered beside his ear, so light, almost as if the wind would have spoken. Fara obeyed, almost in a dreamlike state and carefully posed both arms around the neck of Fox, back, threw her arms around his back. For some strange reason, this strange, Fara felt safer than ever since the day his parents died. He closed his eyes and felt the wind and gravity were sent down. For a second, it seemed they were flying up instead of falling.

Thus, with the autumn sun being a mere point of light and heat in the sky radiating Zoniana their virtues on their faces, Fox and Fara was launched in free fall vacuum brighter.

Towards Freedom.

had spent more than 10 minutes chasing. It was impossible to escape. It was impossible to live to see tomorrow. Kill them. First, the fennec, after the red fox, slowly. His blood would fall down and accumulate at their feet, and would like to. I like a lot.

Panther's senses were sharper than any other soldier, police officer or person. It was because Panther was created by him specifically for that. It was impossible to escape. Because it was impossible to conceal their tracks.

Panther's eyes scanned the ground, his nose and air.

"Stop!" Panther yelled through the megaphone of the vehicle where he was. A cry so awesome and powerful that the whole caravan of police were on the ground to a halt.

landfree The door opened suddenly, combat boots Panther lifted the dust of the street as touching the ground. Slowly but surely, Panther stooped and picked up two capsules.

Helmets ... " Panther murmurs. A sinister smile crossed on his face.

"They go to the center of the city," suggested a soldier.

"No. .." Panther murmurs. His smile never leaving his face. "The fennec has SLUS us. Turn on all systems."

"Yes, sir!" Said the soldier, carrying his hand to his forehead and retreating quickly.

Seconds later, a laugh escaped from the lips of Panther. Tearing his right hand holding the capsules.

First kill the fennec, after the red fox. Slowly and painfully. And I love it.

"I never meet under these circumstances ... Fox McCloud .
Let the hunt begin "

As more were approaching the ground, arms Fara pressed more and more neck Fox A small cry escaped her lips.

" Please do not let I break something, "begged Fara. Fox could only laugh at this request, just had that in mind. It was not only inevitable pain.

What they really were twenty seconds, two minutes seemed to Fara. was less than four meters it was impossible to go back and longed for and secure the roof of landfree, or better yet, to the motorcycle.

Fox, moreover, did not have enough time to think in a perfect landing plan, a plan that consisted of being carried away by the gravity and pray to god they do not fall over a pile of manure. The only thing that managed to do in those twenty seconds that was given was to come between Fara and soil, hoping that most of the impact he received it and not her.

lost consciousness after impact with the first thing that crossed his path.

Some of those who went ashore watched as two men were thrown from a moving vehicle down, quickly falling to the ground and landing with a cloud of dust, knocking over some garbage cans, the sound of breaking glass and many dying moans pain. Despite the surprise, no one stopped more than a millisecond. I did a favor by pretending that nothing had happened, especially after Andross had put their pictures in each of the screens in the city. Were "terrorists" wanted. The cause of the explosion near ZETM.

With a groan, Fara slowly rose from the ground. I was totally sore, but fortunately, none of his limbs was fractured, dislocated or torn. Fox had kept his promise to perfection.

Speak of the devil ...

"Fox?" Fara's voice no more than a timid whisper. There was no response.

Quickly, Fara reviewed around with his eyes until he had found. One of his arms sticking out under a trash tank. A broken safe. Each of these tanks weighed half a ton when empty. Fara sighed, he never imagined that Fox was to protect the fall, perhaps for that reason decided to go instead of continuing to help him escape on their own.

"Idiot ..." Murmured Fara.

Using concrete blocks, Fara was able to raise the tank enough to get below it Fox. Noted with horror that a huge piece of glass had been buried in his right side, which decided to leave for fear of causing bleeding more, he could not afford to allow Fox to bleed in a place like this.

"Ugh ..." Fox began to move slowly, making a general mental check: Fara was unharmed. He could not say the same for him, knowledge was lost did not know how long I prayed it was not long, his right arm was broken and torn his right side. Quickly brought his left hand to the site and held tight to prevent the blood keeps coming out of your body. Could not be worse in reality, their clothes emitted a horrible stench.

"Both plead not fall on a pile of manure ..." Fox thought aloud. He was still lying, should a little more accustomed to pain. As if Fara had read his thoughts, Fox felt as she took under her arms to try to lift it. Seeing such efforts in vain, Fox said.

"Fa-Fara ... drag me to the bottom of the alley," Fara obeyed. Both agreed. They needed to find a more sheltered from the light and the eyes of Andross. Fara

While performing this task, Fox's mind was working a mile a second. They had a problem, Fox could not run. But they could proceed with the plan. Unconsciously, Fox pressed further his injury, did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving their blood and DNA scattered in a city led by Andross. It was a risk he could not afford to take, not knowing that fireworks could make her Doctor Andross.

suddenly remembered something very important.

' SLUS was embedded in the soles of shoes ... '

"Your shoes ... take them off," said Fox

"Excuse me?" That would be one of the orders Fara never thought he'd heard in his life. Immediately stopped.

"And the jacket too" Just before Fara probably bounced to the ground to give the best beating of his life, Fox continued, "Dengar SLUS ordered to put on your shoes, you probably have bugs in the jacket. That's what John said. "

If Fox had not continued, Fara had knocked and sweep the floor with him. Whence did the first, just to satisfy the discomfort caused by the improper proposal. However, Fara could not help but believe the Fox His jacket and shoes were soon abandoned in the damp ground of the passage.

fours Fox approached the garments in question, sat down and tried with great care tying shoelaces, doing everything possible to keep them attached to the jacket. no easy task to perform with one hand.

While Fox was trying to solve this problem, Fara took care to assess around, fortunately, was a place where she was very familiar.

is located south of the existing civic center of the city. I could tell by the age of the skyscrapers that were there, most of them were totally abandoned. The reason was more simple than you think. Not far away, was what used to be the center before the invasion venomiana. These streets were dealt the brunt of the battle between the forces of resistance and the empire that wanted to seize power. Streets marked by history, walls that had the bloody battle in each of its cracks and crevices, in each of its spots ...

The sound of glass breaking into thousands of fragments jump. Fox had thrown his coat and shoes into an apartment three floors up. Fara sitting still for a moment he wondered where he got the strength to release all objects at a height of about six or eight meters.

"I hope that gives us more time than we have to escape, we arrive at the former embassy as soon as possible Corneria" Fara just watched in silence. Fox sounded exhausted. I was losing too much blood, too fast and his pants were beginning to be stained with the reddish substance. Fara immediately realized they could not reach the embassy if Fox was still bleeding from that. Determined

, Fara Fox approached and took it again. This time he could lift it.

"I'll take you to the base, you need treatment. We're not very far"

"But ..." Called Fox, starting to walk on their own.

"And you're not going to deny"

"His base was looted, John,"

"We never would have found had we been at our very foundation," Fara said emphatically, never agreed with the idea of \u200b\u200blocating false base near the present center. Without another word, began to lead the way. Fox was back with firm and rapid steps, almost as if it were not hurt at all, but being in good condition, Fox would have preferred to run. The trick of the shoes would give them a minute lead but no more than that.

"Johann ..." Fox began


"It was him all this time right?. Lont Valley Yesterday, you wanted to eliminate me as they did with Samantha Coll

" Ah ... " Fara sighed, looking down while walking. Fara

leading the way. From behind, Fox could only see his neck, but did not need to see her face to know how he felt. Neither Fara

or Fox spoke more for the rest of the road. Occasionally, Fox inhaled sharply to avoid any whining out of his mouth. His specialty was the air, activity on land was not his forte. He had his gun and knew many techniques of combat, but that would never be enough to defeat an entire squad assembled.

A little luck they were sent by the gods, had begun to rain. Fox begged for this rain was enough to clear its almost always indelible traces of odor.



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