Sunday, December 10, 2006

Open Locked Vip Suitcase

/ Sapphire SAPPHIRE

Disclaimer: Neither Fara or Star Fox mine. Owned by Benimaru Itoh and Shigeru Miyamoto, respectively. John, Allison and Lucy, and others are my creation, so if someone wants to use them should at least give me credit me.

Fanfic Rating: T

"" What is said
'' What is believed
[] links to songs you hear it in the next scene

Started on 12/10/2006 at 14:34 12/27/2006

retaken retaken retaken
05/26/2007 06/25/2007 29/07/2007
retaken [that's funny, I have resumed this every end of each month]
resumed on 18 / 09/07

Last Wish
Chapter 7 - Sapphire
by Millia Vargas

After this strange event in the park, a large number of people appeared. People that were not there before. People were not real.


Andross was a matter of putting holograms to conceal what was happening behind. He did the same day his mother died in that car bomb. What would have to see John in all this, Fox did not know. Perhaps it was related to the fact that John knew his name. Probably also knew that Starfox was a pilot and was against imperialism, which is why he decided to help ...

had to see that message with great caution.

Moving away from the park, Fox noted that those holograms became less numerous and once lost habiéndolos view all decided to aim at the place where the meeting would take place, certain he had seen a few public toilets on the road.

did not have to walk for long. Fox went to the restroom and saw his face reflected in mirrors. Andross not mistaken, I knew I had cameras in those as well. Imperialist regime should not lose sight of absolutely nobody. A small hole in the dam could mean an impending rebellion. Why, within Zoness had not completely private place, except perhaps the very ZETM offices.

Once inside the cubicle, Fox dropped the toilet lid and sat on it. He extended his right hand and carefully, tape off of his hand. There was a small note attached.

' VA: 1pm '

knew Fox was on VA 'A View. " "So that was not an image transistor, after all? John had to say something at 1 this afternoon ... The transistor was some sort of holographic messenger. Slippy have to ask. It definitely was not something I could see anywhere in Zoness. John clearly does not want that.

'Two and a half hours'

Fox was the first reach the place where they had agreed together with the General. It was a small apartment in the western sector of the capital. The room was dark, but Fox need the dark to think better, approached the table in the center of the room at its center was the holographic projector, around it were four chairs, one for each of them. Fox sat down heavily on the first chair that crossed his path and sighed. Right in front of him was an old clock on the wall ropes, the second sounded in his head, second by second. His palms were beginning to sweat and your mind began to wander in dark thoughts, should he leave after Zoness all?

The sound of a door that closed suddenly startled him.

"Fox?" Peppy was just was Peppy. Fox allowed his muscles to relax enough to turn a normal head and look toward the newcomer. Peppy

watched amazed, "something happens?"

"No" answered. Peppy could see his face peering skeptically, however, no other word out of his mouth as he stood on a chair around the table right in front of him. The only sound in the room was that of the rubbing of the leather jacket wearing Peppy, while resting both elbows on the table, bringing his hands in front of his face, his thick fingers intertwined. Peppy closed his eyes and the room turned to be silent.

was not long over when he came Slippy, who burst into the room and quickly sat around the table, he looked agitated and brought him two computers, three had become inseparable from that Pepper used them as guinea pigs these new and advanced devices. Peppy had noticed, not for nothing had started all those sensors on the previous day. He hoped that others will notice too, that Slippy was not the same since that responsibility fell on his shoulders. Slippy

had run all the way down the stairs, this due to security policy to be followed rigorously as they were in Zoness. All lifts were monitored by supervisors imposed by Andross. The stairs, however, appeared to have been forgotten after the invention of the past.

"Falco is under way," Slippy said between gasps. The others nodded silently.

was 10 am 40 minutes, and as might be expected, the meeting began without Falco.

When transistor located in the center of the table began to vibrate, Peppy and Slippy Fox watched, holding my breath. Slippy

reviewed indicated on their computer monitors, fingers moving at full speed, re-eScript codes, block walls and deny entries. In two minutes, Slippy smiled broadly, giving the nod.

"No intercept our signal in at least 3 hours." What caused the general relief of the other two, who sighed at the same time. Peppy deployed its arm to the transistor with his hands and pressed his thumb the button on the back.

interference emanating from inside the unit, was the first sign that they had to know that the General was on the other hand, little by little three-dimensional image his face became more clear, the old dog took his hand to his mouth and coughed to clear his throat, his cheeks puffing because the air flow that it causes. He turned his head from left to right, inspecting each of the team members. His face, though barely perceptible, he looked shocked.

"I only see three of you ..." Where's Lombardi? " Gen. started. Others could only sigh in response.

The streets of the capital were littered Zoniana was approaching the hour of lunch break and many people are heading to places established recreation, students roamed the streets in search of the next local development, others looked goodies displayed in the windows of translucent glass or desperately some fast food restaurant was a little quiet environment, but rather it everyday for a nation dominated for a intransigent Emperor. It was hot and the sun was shining over their heads, but the air smelled of storm.

"Falco!" He complained about the cat, with both arms while trying to hold the bird in question.

Dealing with all his might to get away from the steel arm Falco grumbled, "I must go ... Katt!". However, all efforts were in vain. In some way or another, Falco admired the strength of this cat in particular.

"You say you will not let me join you?" Katt said sounding increasingly angry, who suddenly, he let go. Falco

staggered and felt the force that kept standing out of balance, but fortunately, it was nimble enough to avoid falling to the ground product of the disappearance of the tension that kept him out of inertia. With some pride he had, Falco arranged his wrinkled jacket, which had probably gained a few inches more, and went to Katt.

"Sorry" said, could see Katt shrugged, looking down his head and ears leaning back slightly. Something within him told him go as soon as possible to the place, and did not think to ignore that little voice. His left foot was the first to react ...

"I thought it might be something else ..." Katt murmured, looking up slowly from the ground to see Falco, or rather, the space where Falco was a split second before.

"Birds are the worst!" Katt exploded, but Falco was not there to listen, there were only bystanders who looked surprised. Falco

run away, let alone Katt thus the output could have been faster and easier, but sooner or later have to deal with her again, and with their own feelings. But the work was first and was already quite late. Fortunately, he had parked his motorcycle not far from there, while it would probably come about ... fifteen minutes late to the meeting.

was only for a second, but he thought he saw a familiar face among the many faces that passed very quickly, did not have much time to think much more, the truth was I did not care.

The hologram was projected general and Slippy had begun his report was a minutes. Had been awake all night, but he perfected the landfree which was provided by Matt the day before. A lighter landfree therefore faster and more efficient, could be used for military purposes if desired. But the most important and the main reason they were on Zoness, was led and directed by none other than Fox McCloud.

Just think about it, gave him a headache. Fox was the summary of the research, its content could lead to anything, for during those three days all tracks that had managed to lead it to dead ends, missing names, addresses misleading ... In conclusion: Do not know virtually nothing about the case, but it was more of an executive. But that was a job cheaper than any private detective could do, he still did not know who they were. Probably had an informer, a supporter of Andross. He could not go thinking that I was more concerned about the welfare of John, and Fara. The investigation should be postponed.

was his turn.

"General Pepper, Fox started, perhaps it was a good time to bring seekers into the light. "I think we're being spied on, General Pepper, who know we're here and what we are doing now,"

These were stunned. Slippy was the first to react and went to his computer again to check his work. Things seemed normal. He was about to speak out, but just looked at Fox with skepticism.

"I hear you, boy" Respond hologram General

puzzled expression "Are you aware that there is an association called anti-imperialist Seekers?". It was 12 pm, 59 minutes and 45 seconds, Fox took the transistor from his pocket and slowly introduced him to General. "A child who belongs to this group knew my name and gave me this. At one of this afternoon, we transfer directly to him," Fox said looking at his watch, "it is 5 seconds."

When the second clock signaled the end of the minute, a little red light next to the transistor started flashing. Fox pressured slightly. From inside the transistor, were issued thousands of light beams. It was a typical reaction transistors holograms that he knew, what really surprised him and the rest of those present was that this hologram was only in two dimensions. Homemade.

John was sitting on a stairway in what appeared to be an alley. It was dark, but not enough to not notice that John had covered his head and almost the entire face with the hood of his jacket, all they could see was your feline snout protruding from the opening, I was not looking straight at the camera and his feet were bare.

"Fox .." The voice was deep, almost robotic. John was using a voice distorting. "Are you alone?"

"No" came the reply.

John held his breath, "Who ...?"

did not wait long, Fox continued almost instantly. "I'm with the General Corneria and the rest of the team"

John sighed and a small smile crossed his face, "I am glad that I did not wrong this time."

"Why are you hiding?" Fox asked

"There may be cameras there, I do not want to take any risk," John paused for a moment and continued, "after seeing you in the park ... back to the base, everything was disorganized, lacked computers and files, was as-as if someone had recorded everything and disappeared Lucy Lu ... It is likely that they waste it. "

"Lucy?" Fox was missing something. I could not remember who she was.

"She knew things ... things he shared with me last night after visiting the hospital. As disappeared, I can assume she got out I did not know ... and I do not know. I need to talk to you, now more than ever ... I'm sure I have not much time and probably know what I'm up to. SLUS was embedded in the soles of shoes. I have left behind in the hope of losing my trail for a moment. "

" Where are you, boy? "He spoke after Peppy remained silent until then. I was intrigued, something told him that the result of all this would not be good.

"I can not tell. Things up, remember? But eventually you will know. "

" Would you pursue now? "Fox asked quickly. He did not like not knowing. He did not like the feeling of insecurity emitting see the small body of John hooded crouching, ready to die.

"Do not know"

Fox and the General looked down, thoughtfully. While on his way to Slippy Peppy secret, "You think you can find it?" He muttered. Slippy nodded.

There was a moment of silence, John does not know where to begin to explain everything that had to confess. "Corneria ..." he murmured, and all the attention in the room turned to his hologram, "Corneria is here to help us?"

Fox took his left hand to the back of his head and scratched again being reminded of their original mission. "Something like that, the General sent us Motif surveillance. We are trying to locate a band of terrorists who are engaged in massive asesinación imperialist critics of the regime "

" Pro-imperialist, in other words, "complemented the General.

" That's right

Both were silent to listen sarcastic laughter coming from the lips of John. The muscles of his back and his fingers moved compulsively huddled under the soles of their feet. Fox was asked if, finally, John had lost his mind. His thoughts were interrupted, however, John's own words.

"How ironic ... Is this how you see from outside? "Asked John between small laughter, which sounded more and more sad. I knew there was something strange. I knew it! Why did you listen to that pig?

Fox brought it back in himself, "What do you mean?"

"him .. he did that day with a package for us. He knew what we were doing and was willing to betray us if we followed the instructions in the envelope." John palms began to sweat and his right leg began to shake. "He asked us to kill some people. Some aides of the system ... That was a year ago."

As John spoke, Fox's mind was clearing more and more, for many reasons I wanted to turn the transistor and never know the truth. Could not be true.

"Lucy was investigating on his own, he never mentioned this to anyone until yesterday when I told it to me. Since I met you yesterday, my life was endangered by the decisions that would knowingly or unknowingly taking ... The first was not to kill you, Fox McCloud. "

Fox's eyes widened. I did not know they had located the outset. The General went on listening, almost in the same state of shock, very few people who knew him knew of this mission.

"... The second was to recognize your name in voice high, this morning in the park "

" John ... "Fox muttered

" I needed you to take my warning seriously. Unfortunately, someone was there ... "

" Got it? "Peppy asked softly.
" Not yet

"... Now they know that I was aware that he must kill, and yet I did not "

" Who is doing this? "Fox asked, losing patience more and more. I wanted to know where it was, it was not too late.

[ Preparations for the Last TV F ]
"ZETM ..." muttered John, standing. A heavy snowstorm began to enter from above. "I have a lot of time ... When you finish our conversation, I want to see the channel 7." It sounded as if I had everything perfectly under control

"ZETM What has all this?" Fox asked, hurrying to leave the room, he saw clearly the result of all this. "Slippy, did you find?" Asked to come to the door.

"I do not know ..." John whispered behind. Slippy

threw a small CD that Fox caught without difficulty, "Falco's down, install the CD on his motorcycle. I'll keep you informed." Fox nodded

head and left. I could not afford to waste time in the room. Down the stairs as fast or faster than the previous day rose Lont Valley. As

Slippy said, the way he met Falco, who after many threats and 'or sinuses' gave him the keys to his motorcycle.

The building's underground was a place too cold for his taste, but it was one of the most optimal conditions for gravitational vehicles, as was the landfree. A Fox did not cost much effort to get the Falco motorcycle in the middle of all the cars, was quick to arrive and immediately start the computer, inserting the small disc inside Low was installed. Had direct connection with the meeting because of that. He put the helmet on his head, rode the motorcycle and went at full speed.

"Slippy, do you have any idea where he is?"

"In the middle, yet I have the exact location is difficult to know for transistors manufactured in-house

" understand "Fox answered, praying to reach the right place, in no time.

" Johann Kraus! " A voice called arrogant. Fox

heard horror. Johann! It could not, was one of the names I was looking for from the beginning ...

"I found" John murmured. They had arrived with helicopters and everything just to remove it. The strong wind blew his hood fly back, revealing his face.

"JOHN!" Fox shouted from the motorcycle. What helplessness felt!
"him .. it's just a child," murmured the General and Peppy at once, shocked, unable to take off in view of the holographic projection, feeling almost as powerless as Fox

"I know where that is!" Given the exclamation everyone in the room turned their heads to see Falco moving rapidly through the door and turning to monitor Slippy.

Slippy smiled, "Falco!" Who better to recognize all the streets of the capital of Zoness. Thanks to Falco
could mark the spot by the computer.

"Got it, Fox?"
"Positive! Thanks, Falco" was the answer through computer speakers.

John gave a little laugh, "Do not waste your time with me, get out to Allison of the hospital and go with Fara, tell him ZETM has been playing with us, still not too late to save their lives ..." John had removed the voice-distorting, throwing the garbage he had at his side. No sense hiding if they knew his true name and did not want them to know I was having a conversation with anyone. He would ensure that.

" HANDS UP, KRAUSE! " John refused to obey.

"No way!" Peppy exclaimed. "Who are you doing this?"

"I do not know ..." An imperceptible murmur. "Ich weiß nicht ! Ich nicht verstehen!" ("I do not know! Do not understand!") For both the police and Starfox Andross. Tears started coming out of his eyes "Tell Allison I did the best I could y. .."

" Hände Hoch! " ("Hands up! ") The police began to descend from the helicopter and down the walls using ropes and pulleys. John obeyed, and raised his arms, unbuttoning his jacket in the process and showing his right hand, holding a small control.

" HAVE A BOMB! "shouted one of the officers. Many had already fallen.

" JOHN! "Fox cried out in despair, just a little more, was not far from the site.

" Ma-Kill for me Dengar "

There was a moment of silence, as if to try to absorb the truth ...

" Andross! "They shouted in unison Fox and those in the room.

A small smile crossed the face of John, his thumb slowly began to put pressure on the small, one-button remote. The officers who had come down to kill him die with him.

hologram transmission was interrupted by interference. Falco hit the table and sat down heavily in his chair, leaned his elbows Peppy on the table, his hands supporting the weight of your head. Slippy turned off the transistor.

General from the grassroots in Corneria, remained in utter amazement, slowly nodded. Another innocent died for a just cause, a child. PC to TV room to turn on and tune to channel 7. He was one of the last wishes of the boy, after all.

A large explosion occurred two blocks from where Fox stood, smoke and fire that loomed over the building said it all, it was too late.

When his picture appeared monitor Channel 7, refused to comply. Channel 7 knew what it was. To whom it belonged.

'Enterprising Zoness Trading Markets ...'

" Swede was one of the most popular singers at that time do not you think? "

" Yes, Karla. One of the most famous of course" Oh! Karla, we minute information. Apparently, an explosion was witnessed in the heart of the capital! Günter is more information from the scene .

" Good afternoon, Günter Werden reporting from the most important buildings of ZETM. At this point, the helicopter from which I am about to get closer to the place, but as you can see, a lot of smoke and fire preventing some visibility. Firefighters arrived and appeared to have controlled the flames. Unofficially, this atrocity was committed by a terrorist anti-imperialist ... "

'Terrorists ... is all they are for these people' Thought Fox 'No are seekers ... Just ... Terrorists ... "

"No one knows how many wounded members of special forces there, or how much it will cost to Enterprising Trading Markets Zoness cover the damage, but fortunately, there are no civilian casualties and the situation seems under control "

General sighed, this must be one of the worst days of the week. Hoped that this will not affect performance and performance of Fox in their missions. The case we wanted to investigate in Zoness was resolved, now only needed to combat it.

was a mystery, Fox thought as he returned to base, how I still had thoughts lighter than the water flowing in Aquas, even after killing the officer and was dying to see how one of their newest allies, to say the least, he led them to the very Andross.

'I'll pay ... " Fox growled mentally. His anger and condemnation to the subject in question only became more and deeper.

" commotion down there! " shouted Günter, cheetah pointed to the cameraman to point to the scene was happening, " Someone tries to breach the police line! A fennec "

That got the attention of Fox did not have to watch the monitor to know who he was. It was time to give up, still had missions to accomplish. With that in mind, the motorcycle accelerated and went to the scene of the explosion.

"General. Need Zoness permission to leave as soon as possible."

"Got it. Starfox will be waiting in the 'center'" replied the General. Fox knew that Pepper was referring to the geometric center of Zoness, where he was the former embassy of Corneria.

"Get the girl in the hospital"

"Let me go!" Fara shouted, pushing against the barrier that special agents began to cut traffic ground. A few policemen began to cluster around it, making an effort to prevent tear down the barrier.

"My brother is there! Was one of their own, deserve more respect!" Fara was no fool. No rebel she never knew the alleged "terrorist." If something learned in the search engines was to keep the darkness all I knew of the organization.

Their relationship with each of the members of the area was closer than it seemed. Especially with John, who in some way reminded him a little brother with a big brain. To this day remember the first day he spoke with her over five years, as if it were yesterday.

was twelve years old and was new at school, children played and she was alone. His parents had died a month ago, but still felt like I had died and over again. At night he dreamed. It sounded like rivers of blood flooded his room, splashing up the bedspread and the curtains. The same scene was repeated and repeated, over and over again.

was a small voice that brought itself. The voice of a seven year old boy who still had trouble pronouncing the language. Joseph was his name then. He did not ask, he knew that was intensely sought Fara by Andross, just by the look on his face. For he too had lost their parents to the same person. Keiti called. And did join the group. With it, the small organization was consolidated for the first time. Fara

never thought I'd live to see the death of John. When he saw the news, he knew immediately that it was him. Could not have chosen a different place, the place where he first killed.

A little more strength and Fara bring down the barrier. Ten policemen held her arms and held her.

' John ... '
' Why? '
"Let me go!"
' Why do this? '

"A motion and I swear I'll blow your brains" was a panther. He was pointing his gun to the head of Fara. A battle where she lost both. Andross soldiers were authorized to kill, unlike the police.

"Caruso ..." Muttered one officer, reluctant to the action taken.

"I am here by order of the Imperatore, there is nothing or no one to exceed the order, Captain General of the FPZ. On hearing this the captain growled, did not want a situation like this bounce to civilians.

"Miss, please listen to soldier "Fara was frozen. Never had pointed a gun before. ... I could not breathe

Panther was known to kill without compunction.

The captain was about to draw his weapon to stop this madness, it was a sacrifice was willing to do, Andross was going too far. His fingers were a few inches to find the gun, when he heard the sound of a blaster charging. It was too late.

"A motion and I swear I'll blow your brains" It was not his voice. ... It was a fox?. He had a helmet on his head, but that effluvium definitely belonged to a fox. And holding a gun against the temple of Panther.

"Kei!" Fara shouted in his mind.

"Miss Drop" The officers consented and immediately released, however, Panther refused to lower the weapon. "You too ... Panther"

Upon hearing this, Panther exploded with laughter.
"How dare you order me something to me? Clearly I'm in a better position than you, if you shoot me the last thing I will do is push the little dog and kill her"

Fox had his gun loaded, he pressed his index finger
on the trigger I do not think your brain can send any order after what will happen to your head. For my gun, it is as crushing a Tomato wooden hammer. "

Slowly, Panther started down the gun. I was not interested in killing the fennec. However, to kill the fox was something I was dying. It even turn and kill him, would not see another dawn , or more in their affairs entrometería. A guy like him was a danger to the new world that wanted to establish Andross.

[ Frenzy ]
As Panther's gun left the head of Fara, Fox
shouted "Caitlin, up to the motorcycle!"

In the minds of Panther sounded alarms.
'Fennec ... Caitlin! That girl is browsers that Dengar was cheating ... That means ... "

With quick movements, Panther turned and said both had been uploaded to the vehicle and was starting toward the opposite direction. Fired directly into the tires, failing by a few millimeters, Fox had left the motorcycle a millisecond earlier, effectively dodging the draft.

"What do you expect?! Go after them!" Panther yelled.

"Those are not orders of the Imperator" clarified the Captain "We have strict orders to stay in the place," Could not say much more, Panther had been shot in cold blood, his temper immutable.

"¿Quién más quiere oponerse a mis órdenes?" Preguntó Panther, mirando de reojo al resto de los oficiales, quienes sin pensarlo dos veces, acudieron a sus vehículos.

Por sobre sus cabezas, en el cielo, una docena de helicópteros sobrevolaban el área y en la cima de todos los edificios, resplandecían grandes carteles con las siglas color zafiro.


A/N: En memoria de los caídos en este capítulo Lucy & John


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