Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Does Leimo Work On Hair Loss

Awakening / Awakening

Disclaimer: Neither Fara or Star Fox mine. Owned by Benimaru Itoh and Shigeru Miyamoto, respectively. John, Allison and Lucy, and others are my creation, so if someone wants to use them should at least give me my credit.

Fanfic Rating: T

"" What is said
'' What is believed
[] links to songs you hear it in the next scene

Started on 06/03/1907 at the 21:58 hrs.

Last Wish
Prologue - Awakening
by Millia Vargas

Electricity began to flow through each of your nerves. His psyche was awake, but his mind still could not assimilate the simplicity of their situation and the rest of his body still felt asleep.

was disoriented, could barely remember his own name. You can think of was causing a huge headache.

took a moment, but little by little, while his senses were sensitized to what is happening around the rest of his motor functions returned to normal.

The pungent smell of disinfectant, morphine and disease, was all he needed to know where he was. In the hospital.

was lying on a bed, that could infer judging by the feel of soft cotton and polyester sheets that covered. It was, however, impossible to deduce whether it was day or night, their eyes were covered, which meant they were sold.

The constant beeping of the electrocardiogram that was strapped to his chest via electrodes, was less comforting than the continuous drip intravenous drip bag, and even less comforting was the cold, painful numbness coming up through the veins of his left arm because of the latter.

They had found ... but what had found him? Was he alive? Andross Was ...?

His pulse quickened, as if awakened from a terrible dream again. Almost no control over himself, he felt his right hand removed one by one, the electrodes were placed in his chest and arms. In return, the ECG monitor gave a sharp whistle endless seeing no signs of life. That annoying sound, however, did not stop his right hand directed at the butterfly who was buried in his left wrist, or prevented with a single pull out is driven out of his body, only to be thrown and hit a pole. The sound of plastic against metal again and again, swinging like the pendulum of a clock.

could not stay there, was all that was clear. Should go back. Should find it. Rescue.

tried to sit with both arms, but could not get more than a few inches when he felt it. A thick pipe that came through his nostrils and his throat suddenly burst to go down to God knows where. He leaned back and carefully swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in his mouth dry before. His eyes filled with tears from the pain that this simple action brought.

It burned

hospital What the hell was that?

trembling hands went to the evil invaders, absolutely nothing to prevent him leave the hospital as soon as possible ...

"Stop, please!", The desperate cry of a woman. The sound of a door opening and closing, followed by quick footsteps on their way to bed. Probably a nurse.

"I should not do this. You should rest," said the nurse warned, while with incredible strength of his wrists took them away from their goal and tying them to the sides of the bed.

wanted to scream. I wanted to scream in desperation as the electrodes were returning one by one place, like the butterfly. The annoying beep and the steady drip back into his ears.

The nurse had begun the tedious check that he knew well. Feigning calm was his specialty. The faster you were the nurse, more then he could escape.

After listening for long conversation with the nurse holding the computer that recorded every one of your vital signs, the nurse spoke to him, thus following the protocol of each hospital.

"I will keep both facts, please pay attention." The nurse waited patiently until he nodded and continued. "He was found in critical condition at a road of MacBeth. Then he was sent to Mercy Hospital on that planet, where he remained in induced coma for seven days, during his stay was provided ... "

Did MacBeth? The last thing he remembered was being fought in Venom.

"... unchanged. Two days ago he was transferred to Military Hospital on the orders of General Corneria, where you are now. Within a few days we will remove the bandage from her eyes. Your state will report to Dr. Klein, he will give more information on their condition. "He finished the nurse and gets ready to retire. The sounds of each of its steps away, but for a moment longer hear the nurse had stopped.

" Someone has been hanging around the hospital since you arrived. Says he wants to talk to you. I will tell who has awakened. "Without another word, the nurse withdrew, closing the door on their way.

After that, he felt like his old face and calm returned. I did not want to escape, it was her strongest desire to want to know who wanted to talk to him, and why.

The door opening caught his attention again, a rain of odors emanating from outside to inside, including the smell of his visitor. The sound of their shoes dragging on the linoleum floor only served to clarify his theory. He was always a hard habit to break it. When was the last time you saw him? That time in the repair center, two weeks before departure.

smile, or at least that was his intention. It was expected that he might be the first to arrive. How ironic, would give your visitor the news that instead of him?

"I'm glad you have found," he said. The tone of his voice was more than enough to understand the situation they both were and where would the rest of the conversation.

There was a moment of silence, the visitor took a deep breath. "Sorry, I forgot you can not talk"

course could not speak. He let out a small sigh of his mouth as a sign the boy to continue. Slowly, memories of that day returned to his mind. Memories too painful in every way. His blood boiled as he recalled his treason -

"They say he died ..."

... That's what I feared.

"No. I do not believe them. He can not be dead!" At some point they had come was now very near the head of his bed, where he supported his hands, giving the mattress under his strength.

wanted to say how much I felt. I would like not to believe too, but if they had not found at this point, it was hard to find him later. There was not much hope.

He probably was ...

"Why had to be him?" His voice had broken in the middle of the question, seemed to be crying. Maybe it always was, but it was not until then that he realized.

tried to move his right arm to embrace him somehow, but could not lift more than your fingers. Then recalled that he had been tied to the bed. Was completely regret having tried to escape before, all I could do now was listen.

Sorry, I'm so sorry.

listened as the boy at his side took a huge breath, "Andross was not expelled from Corneria as the media says, is not it?"


The sound of his footsteps on the floor indicated it was moving away from the bed again.

"If so, my father would be here now." Many seconds the room became silent, but slowly and quietly, the visitor continued, "Andross has taken control of Venom, is not it?"

was true. Everything was true.

"Peppy, we must fight back." She sounded terribly serious.

An involuntary sigh came from his throat painfully. How could I deny that his son's best friend? Junior
