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A Mission / The Mission
Disclaimer: Neither Fara or Star Fox mine. Owned by Benimaru Itoh and Shigeru Miyamoto, respectively. John, Allison and Lucy, and others are my creation, so if someone wants to use them should at least give me credit to me.
Fanfic Rating: T
"" What is said
'' What is believed
[] links to songs you hear it in the next scene
Started on 09/21/1907 at 12:57 pm hrs. Returning to the
Last Wish
Chapter 1 - A Mission
by Millia Vargas
was a beautiful sunset in one of the clearest skies in the Lylat system.
The sky reddish orange degrade gently, slowly being blurred as the last rays of light touched the earth, ending in a small yellow line on the horizon where the sun only while hiding system at the top, the two moons of the planet began to become visible gradually, almost as if they were afraid to awaken the sleepy sun would not return until within eighteen hours.
Down the sky was the city, where tall buildings stood lined with mirrors and arrogant slender, clean crystals reflecting in each of the colors of the sunset so clearly you could say that it covers the sky. Some ships flew over the city, most massive and noisy beasts of burden, but few others had small and quiet, equipped with banners and propaganda. Almost
ground level, vehicles and noise, people walking through its narrow, undersized paths, designed long before that time could tell. As if he had never thought that this city would grow so much.
That was Zoness, one of the first colonies of Corneria, also one of the first to be abandoned to their fate and trying to thrive as an independent planet. Zoness clearly had managed to survive despite all the current changes, both political and social, environmental and climate. The main town was nearly as prosperous as the capital of Corneria. Almost. But that was not why they were called to the planet.
Andross had taken military control of Venom for three years. For some reason unknown to them, the military and current government Cornerian secured by all the means of concealing the loss of the planet. Planted evidence, hired personnel and misled media. They reached the edge of Venom belittle, calling it "the worst place in the system." Particularly suitable for the mad and rebellious exile doctor.
Of course, they never exiled to anyone. Few outside the military leaders knew of these facts. Probably they were the only ones. Not for nothing had been exiled to Papetoon.
However, Andross Cornerian never imagined they would escape their control. Within its
protected and isolated lair, the doctor had enough time and resources to develop and improve biotechnology already known. He took everyone by surprise when it launched its first space station. But it was when seized Andross little by little in small colonies Cornerian Papetoon Macbeth and small, when the sovereign government of Corneria decided to take action. So far, no results.
Zoness was still free of the power of Andross, and its inhabitants lived in peace. Fox did not know that Andross had plans for this planet to explain why I was resisting to conquer.
had the surprise of his life when Slippy came to his room with a message of the current General Corneria, contacted him to investigate the situation in Zoness. Of course, Fox agreed in exchange for a modest sum of money not.
was already starting to miss the smell of sand and desert heat ...
"Aburriiiido." Falco complained from the couch.
Fox broke the window of the room where I was, to go to your feathered friend.
"Do not complain, at least have given us a deluxe room." Falco
frowned and leaned over the couch with his back, but did not respond. It was true. Not in their wildest dreams had seen him in one piece as it was in that five-star hotel is also rumored that he was one of the best in the system. It was hard to imagine that the previous day at the same time, was lying on a stone bed in the den of Papetoon.
"I do not like this place," Falco said, rising and rising.
"Yes, I like!" Peppy had been listening to the conversation from the kitchen. I was preparing dinner with pleasure. I had not had a proper kitchen and now that he wanted to take advantage even for a few days. Cook had become a hobby since the exile of Corneria. It was not a professional, but no one complained, because none of the others had some ability. It meant that everything was to prepare delicious, but there was no other option.
Falco decided not to further discuss the subject. The truth was that there was something that bothered him more than air artificially Zoness decontaminated.
"Why did you accept this, again?". Falco knew the answer to his question, he had asked since leaving Papetoon that morning, just to annoy.
"For money, I know," Fox said passing a hand over his face. It was silly, had been aware of his game and would not give her the pleasure of being seen angry. "Give thanks because it is you who must return to public school."
"Be reasonable, Falco. Sooner or later we would be without imperial assault ships in Papetoon" Peppy said, out of the kitchen with a bowl of food and various dishes to serve, he left on the table.
"You should stop bothering Fox, Falco Slippy said, entering through the back door. Just out of the pool, attracted by the smell of food. "Thank you, Peppy," he said, sitting down. Fox did the same.
Falco was losing patience. "It's not that, damn it ..."
all watching, and sat with their plates full of food.
That was the last straw.
"Do not tell me they can not see!" Falco was enraged, raising both arms in the air in despair. "This is Corneria's army We have hired us after exiled us to a seedy world, even if we were right, and we have not even heard an apology! "Slippy and Peppy
looked at him surprised, Fox dropped his head to look your meal. knew that was what bothered Falco. did not blame him because in truth, it also bothered him.
"... They do not even trust us, damn, damn this damn apartment is full of cameras! "Falco shouted.
Nobody said anything. Everyone had noticed, but nobody had dared to point it out.
After a while, Peppy and Slippy began to eat in silence. Seeing this, Falco sat in his chair and tried to calm down, took his fork and started eating reluctantly.
Fox could not eat. That was definitely not the way you work with your teammates. Yes, they had been given a suite at a luxury hotel, but still in the cave of Papetoon felt more at ease.
"You're right," Fox said "We can not accept such insults," he said.
Falco was about to enter another mouthful of food in his mouth, but stopped upon hearing the Fox, "What?"
"We have a lot of cleaning to do, do not you think?"
He did not say more, as Falco and Peppy and Slippy was smiling in his direction.
"Can we finish eating," he asked after a while Slippy. The others laughed and continued eating. This time, everyone was grateful.
That was the leader they had chosen to follow.
was not hard to find each of the cameras and microphones were in place in different rooms of the apartment. Soon the dumps were full of the latest spy technology.
Shortly after receiving a call from the General, who decided to meet soon, given the situation.
"Indeed, you are serious," said General mournful voice. "They just break all the protocols of our interplanetary intelligence" Falco
frowned toward the General and turned back, retreating to his room. "His intelligence interplanetary me-step by the"
"ANYWAY!" Fox said with a tone higher in order to save his friend from any retaliation. "It's not how we work, and while I accepted the deal, does not mean we have to play by their rules. We're doing you a favor after all. You might start by explaining that this agent was involved."
At that moment, the doorbell rang in the room.
"can open. As always, our messenger is timely," said the General, laughing a little surprised faces of their employees. "She will tell you everything. For my part, I address some issues ..." He paused, almost as if thinking the right words to say.
"Do not make wait."
With that final warning, the hologram disappeared. Peppy sighed, he knew Pepper even before it was General, and was not surprised that once again run away with their tails between their legs when giving explanations.
Falco was the closest to the door. With his index finger pressed the button to open in less than a second the door disappeared and instead, had a cat.
A pink cat.
Falco's brain correlated these matches quickly.
"Katt"?! " Exclaimed his neck feathers are engrifarse of single surprise. Had the General thought through in detail?
Katt was dressed in a white suit, wore on his head a large hat, and his arms also carried a large box. In his right shoulder looked Zoness logo Enterprising Trading Markets. Not have known before, Falco would have thought that was a messenger of truth.
"Thanks for being you!" Katt exclaimed, throwing the heavy box to Falco, who fortunately caught without falling awkwardly to the ground. Katt
spent his left hand on his forehead removing the sweat and examined those who were in the room. Everyone was watching, all but Falco was busy carrying the box to the nearest table.
"Hello!" Hello. "I'm glad I'm not the only little of the green, if you know what I mean," he said smiling from ear to ear.
Silence was all that met his ears.
"Ehh ..." It was the smartest thing he could leave the mouth of Slippy.
"Is know? "continued Fox, Falco and pointing them to it.
" Yes, "said Falco from the table, trying to catch his breath. Katt smiled in his direction.
" It's a nuisance, it is best to get rid of it as soon as possible, "he continued.'s smile faded Katt automatically, to be replaced by a murderous look. Falco scowled in his direction and walked to a corner of the room where he leaned against the wall, attention.
"Katt Monroe, their orders," said the cat finally, making a graceful bow to the rest of the team. "I guess you must be the leader."
Fox stepped forward and nodded.
"Fox McCloud" he said and reached out to shake with Katt. "They are Peppy Hare and Slippy Toad."
"Good" Peppy said, making a small bow his head. Slippy just watched curiously at the new guest. Katt
smiled in the direction of the three and approached the box that Falco had left on the table. Delicately, he cut the edge with one of his claws, while his other hand lifted the lid. "I hope you are ready to hear what I say about them. Many things have changed in these parts since you left, Falco," he said noting in his direction. Falco
watched askance.
Bonding with Zoness Falco to Fox and was known by the other team, even though Falco always refused to talk about his life as Hot Rodder. Maybe Falco knew Katt since then?
"Garden City is completely destroyed," he muttered Katt, with a bias of nostalgia in his voice, effectively removing all of his thoughts.
"Garden City"?! " Falco could not restrain it, he wondered how he had never heard of this atrocity. Katt
smiled ruefully.
"Five years have passed since then. Apparently, Zoness the current government did not notify the sovereign government of Corneria of events. Apparently, the media know how to hide such news from the rest of the system. That's not the worst, Garden City was just the beginning of a number of attacks the planet by Imperial forces. Zoness is a planet free now, but not completely foreign to the laws of the system.
Of course, despite the caution with which it was kept secret, sooner or later someone outside Zoness would speak. Pepper learned of these events a few months ago, so decided to send an agent to investigate the case, "Katt said box while extracting an image projector.
" Samantha Coll was the nickname of the agent in charge of research in the public school number 4180, "Katt said while showing the identification of the agent on the screen," type dog, collie breed, age not specified. His trail was lost about a month. "
" Disappeared? "Asked Fox
" probably dead "Katt corrected." Thanks to her, Gen. Pepper not only learned from the attacks of Venom, but also of a certain group of murderers hired professionals to end life, so far, fifty people opposing the regime with political and economic influence on planets won by Andross. "Katt paused. "Any questions?"
"What we're dealing with terrorists." Peppy concluded after spending a while in silence.
Falco laughed.
"So it seems."
"What else is there about the research?" Fox asked quickly.
"The last person on the list of suspects in his blog is one Johann Krause. Apparently, according to his report, Samantha Coll-seekers were going to"
Fox opened his eyes in surprise, "Seekers?"
"is an organization that is located on planets under imperial rule, are responsible for finding missing persons. The says the organization began to form here in Zoness. However, nobody knows who's up, let alone who founded it. Personally, I think there is more than a local myth, "said Katt, some insecurity in her voice.
" Can you read that last blog entry, Miss Monroe? "Peppy asked, puzzled.
smiled Katt Peppy direction.
"With pleasure," he said as he showed on the projector the entry.
Day 29 of the second solar month of the planet:
Base is informed about a secret organization operating in the area under the name of 'The Seekers'.
A mountain hare [age: 18 years height: five feet inches, medium texture], approached undercover Number 57, alias Samantha Coll, exactly at twelve o'clock local time, shortly after Agent open interest demonstrated by the suspect's name Johann Krause. He set a subpoena for the day 30 to the three before dawn. "
" Anything else? "Inquired Falco.
shook his head." The General ordered me not to get more research for my own safety. "
" For some reason, I feel that our lives are being undervalued, "he said while Slippy sighed from his seat.
"O our valued talent, complemented Peppy, trying to be positive.
"What about my admission?" Fox asked
"Since you have been registered under the name of Kei Fox begins tomorrow at nine o'clock," said Fox Katt handing an envelope extracted from the case. "Your new ID and time are within."
"Well," said Fox accepted the envelope.
"One more thing. General has asked me to deliver something to Slippy Toad," Katt said as he approached the amphibian.
"This task will add to many other mutual fund, you'd better not refuse it. Needless to mention that I also would benefit if you accept, "he said smiling from ear to ear.
" What is it? "He managed to ask Slippy, trying to untie the knot that had formed in his throat. Something reminded him too Katt to a certain Falco Lombardi and I was getting nervous.
"Nothing too complicated, is a new system of surveillance. Should be put to the test "Falco
literally jumped out of place.
" Please, do not expect to really accept that, right? "
" Of course not. "Fox would not tolerate such a thing, was the last straw .
Slippy stood, confused.
"It's just a chip, is so small that you forget to bring as" interrupted Katt, shrugging. "The general knew this would be reluctant to experience, that's why he is leaving the project in the hands of Slippy. No one else will know your situation. It is not intended to keep under scrutiny, it is only experimental."
Fox did not stop shaking her head all explanation.
"Experimental or not,"
"Let yourself nonsense! We are not lab rats" Falco shouted.
"But this may be helpful to us, Falco, Peppy said, trying to be reasonable. "And none of us has let Slippy give their opinion."
smiled Slippy Peppy direction.
"I accept!"
Fox and Falco stared at him speechless.
"It would be an honor to meet that kind of mission. After all, technology is my strong Do not you, Fox?"
"Well ..." Fox started, scratching the back of his head. The truth, if you stop to think about it, it was not surprising that Slippy agreed to be part of the experiment. "Okay." Katt
smiled and gave a small a very happy album Slippy.
"Good choice. Now if you'll excuse me, I go to sleep"
"Katt, where are you going?" Falco asked, following her closely.
"Your Room, where else?" He replied as he opened the door and walked into the room.
"What?" But Katt had closed the door in his face. In an effort to regain their dignity, Falco turned to address his teammates.
"I will not use any of those machines!"
said, Falco turned and entered his room. -------------------------------------------------
--------------------------- Falco
closed the door behind him, the room lights were on and Katt was sitting on her bed. Falco relaxed his shoulders and approached her.
"You must use this chip, all things being created by the government of Corneria, this must be one of the few non-lethal uses something
" Why are you here? "
"Work," Katt said, flatly.
Falco smiled. Made the difficult was typical of her.
"That's not you, you are not at all. You do not work for anybody," he said as he sat at his side. Katt
moved one of his ears and smiled.
"It's been two years ...? I've changed. The Hot Rodders are no longer my life."
"Someone like you would not work for Corneria from one day to another. What happened? Are you threatened?" Her tone was becoming more serious.
"Remember ... the Catspaw? Katt began. "The General called me one day thinking he was fighting on the other hand, after they saw the Catspaw in one of the battles of MacBeth. My Catspaw."
"A month ago, my division was attacked ... burned the base, but found no remains of nowhere Catspaw" he said, stretching out both arms, he lay in bed while a big yawn out of his mouth. "We suspected mercenaries hired by someone, but never believed that someone would ... Andross."
"They stole the Catspaw ... Andross is manufacturing prototypes from him?" Katt
not answer, the answer was suspended in the air. Falco sighed annoyed, I could not believe they had a problem much bigger than a bunch of murderers.
"I do not know where to reach you, so when the General called me with this assignment, I accepted," Katt said sitting down again. "I need to join your team and get my Catspaw."
"not happen", he refuted Falco, standing up and heading for the door.
"never change ..." Katt said, was up and ahead of Falco, leaving the room before him. "I will have my back Catspaw, Falco, with or without your help." With those last words left the apartment, to an unknown destination.
Falco grunted and returned to his room angry. I knew there was nothing that could make him change his mind.
Disclaimer: Neither Fara or Star Fox mine. Owned by Benimaru Itoh and Shigeru Miyamoto, respectively. John, Allison and Lucy, and others are my creation, so if someone wants to use them should at least give me credit to me.
Fanfic Rating: T
"" What is said
'' What is believed
[] links to songs you hear it in the next scene
Started on 09/21/1907 at 12:57 pm hrs. Returning to the
Last Wish
Chapter 1 - A Mission
by Millia Vargas
was a beautiful sunset in one of the clearest skies in the Lylat system.
The sky reddish orange degrade gently, slowly being blurred as the last rays of light touched the earth, ending in a small yellow line on the horizon where the sun only while hiding system at the top, the two moons of the planet began to become visible gradually, almost as if they were afraid to awaken the sleepy sun would not return until within eighteen hours.
Down the sky was the city, where tall buildings stood lined with mirrors and arrogant slender, clean crystals reflecting in each of the colors of the sunset so clearly you could say that it covers the sky. Some ships flew over the city, most massive and noisy beasts of burden, but few others had small and quiet, equipped with banners and propaganda. Almost
ground level, vehicles and noise, people walking through its narrow, undersized paths, designed long before that time could tell. As if he had never thought that this city would grow so much.
That was Zoness, one of the first colonies of Corneria, also one of the first to be abandoned to their fate and trying to thrive as an independent planet. Zoness clearly had managed to survive despite all the current changes, both political and social, environmental and climate. The main town was nearly as prosperous as the capital of Corneria. Almost. But that was not why they were called to the planet.
Andross had taken military control of Venom for three years. For some reason unknown to them, the military and current government Cornerian secured by all the means of concealing the loss of the planet. Planted evidence, hired personnel and misled media. They reached the edge of Venom belittle, calling it "the worst place in the system." Particularly suitable for the mad and rebellious exile doctor.
Of course, they never exiled to anyone. Few outside the military leaders knew of these facts. Probably they were the only ones. Not for nothing had been exiled to Papetoon.
However, Andross Cornerian never imagined they would escape their control. Within its
protected and isolated lair, the doctor had enough time and resources to develop and improve biotechnology already known. He took everyone by surprise when it launched its first space station. But it was when seized Andross little by little in small colonies Cornerian Papetoon Macbeth and small, when the sovereign government of Corneria decided to take action. So far, no results.
Zoness was still free of the power of Andross, and its inhabitants lived in peace. Fox did not know that Andross had plans for this planet to explain why I was resisting to conquer.
had the surprise of his life when Slippy came to his room with a message of the current General Corneria, contacted him to investigate the situation in Zoness. Of course, Fox agreed in exchange for a modest sum of money not.
was already starting to miss the smell of sand and desert heat ...
"Aburriiiido." Falco complained from the couch.
Fox broke the window of the room where I was, to go to your feathered friend.
"Do not complain, at least have given us a deluxe room." Falco
frowned and leaned over the couch with his back, but did not respond. It was true. Not in their wildest dreams had seen him in one piece as it was in that five-star hotel is also rumored that he was one of the best in the system. It was hard to imagine that the previous day at the same time, was lying on a stone bed in the den of Papetoon.
"I do not like this place," Falco said, rising and rising.
"Yes, I like!" Peppy had been listening to the conversation from the kitchen. I was preparing dinner with pleasure. I had not had a proper kitchen and now that he wanted to take advantage even for a few days. Cook had become a hobby since the exile of Corneria. It was not a professional, but no one complained, because none of the others had some ability. It meant that everything was to prepare delicious, but there was no other option.
Falco decided not to further discuss the subject. The truth was that there was something that bothered him more than air artificially Zoness decontaminated.
"Why did you accept this, again?". Falco knew the answer to his question, he had asked since leaving Papetoon that morning, just to annoy.
"For money, I know," Fox said passing a hand over his face. It was silly, had been aware of his game and would not give her the pleasure of being seen angry. "Give thanks because it is you who must return to public school."
"Be reasonable, Falco. Sooner or later we would be without imperial assault ships in Papetoon" Peppy said, out of the kitchen with a bowl of food and various dishes to serve, he left on the table.
"You should stop bothering Fox, Falco Slippy said, entering through the back door. Just out of the pool, attracted by the smell of food. "Thank you, Peppy," he said, sitting down. Fox did the same.
Falco was losing patience. "It's not that, damn it ..."
all watching, and sat with their plates full of food.
That was the last straw.
"Do not tell me they can not see!" Falco was enraged, raising both arms in the air in despair. "This is Corneria's army We have hired us after exiled us to a seedy world, even if we were right, and we have not even heard an apology! "Slippy and Peppy
looked at him surprised, Fox dropped his head to look your meal. knew that was what bothered Falco. did not blame him because in truth, it also bothered him.
"... They do not even trust us, damn, damn this damn apartment is full of cameras! "Falco shouted.
Nobody said anything. Everyone had noticed, but nobody had dared to point it out.
After a while, Peppy and Slippy began to eat in silence. Seeing this, Falco sat in his chair and tried to calm down, took his fork and started eating reluctantly.
Fox could not eat. That was definitely not the way you work with your teammates. Yes, they had been given a suite at a luxury hotel, but still in the cave of Papetoon felt more at ease.
"You're right," Fox said "We can not accept such insults," he said.
Falco was about to enter another mouthful of food in his mouth, but stopped upon hearing the Fox, "What?"
"We have a lot of cleaning to do, do not you think?"
He did not say more, as Falco and Peppy and Slippy was smiling in his direction.
"Can we finish eating," he asked after a while Slippy. The others laughed and continued eating. This time, everyone was grateful.
That was the leader they had chosen to follow.
was not hard to find each of the cameras and microphones were in place in different rooms of the apartment. Soon the dumps were full of the latest spy technology.
Shortly after receiving a call from the General, who decided to meet soon, given the situation.
"Indeed, you are serious," said General mournful voice. "They just break all the protocols of our interplanetary intelligence" Falco
frowned toward the General and turned back, retreating to his room. "His intelligence interplanetary me-step by the"
"ANYWAY!" Fox said with a tone higher in order to save his friend from any retaliation. "It's not how we work, and while I accepted the deal, does not mean we have to play by their rules. We're doing you a favor after all. You might start by explaining that this agent was involved."
At that moment, the doorbell rang in the room.
"can open. As always, our messenger is timely," said the General, laughing a little surprised faces of their employees. "She will tell you everything. For my part, I address some issues ..." He paused, almost as if thinking the right words to say.
"Do not make wait."
With that final warning, the hologram disappeared. Peppy sighed, he knew Pepper even before it was General, and was not surprised that once again run away with their tails between their legs when giving explanations.
Falco was the closest to the door. With his index finger pressed the button to open in less than a second the door disappeared and instead, had a cat.
A pink cat.
Falco's brain correlated these matches quickly.
"Katt"?! " Exclaimed his neck feathers are engrifarse of single surprise. Had the General thought through in detail?
Katt was dressed in a white suit, wore on his head a large hat, and his arms also carried a large box. In his right shoulder looked Zoness logo Enterprising Trading Markets. Not have known before, Falco would have thought that was a messenger of truth.
"Thanks for being you!" Katt exclaimed, throwing the heavy box to Falco, who fortunately caught without falling awkwardly to the ground. Katt
spent his left hand on his forehead removing the sweat and examined those who were in the room. Everyone was watching, all but Falco was busy carrying the box to the nearest table.
"Hello!" Hello. "I'm glad I'm not the only little of the green, if you know what I mean," he said smiling from ear to ear.
Silence was all that met his ears.
"Ehh ..." It was the smartest thing he could leave the mouth of Slippy.
"Is know? "continued Fox, Falco and pointing them to it.
" Yes, "said Falco from the table, trying to catch his breath. Katt smiled in his direction.
" It's a nuisance, it is best to get rid of it as soon as possible, "he continued.'s smile faded Katt automatically, to be replaced by a murderous look. Falco scowled in his direction and walked to a corner of the room where he leaned against the wall, attention.
"Katt Monroe, their orders," said the cat finally, making a graceful bow to the rest of the team. "I guess you must be the leader."
Fox stepped forward and nodded.
"Fox McCloud" he said and reached out to shake with Katt. "They are Peppy Hare and Slippy Toad."
"Good" Peppy said, making a small bow his head. Slippy just watched curiously at the new guest. Katt
smiled in the direction of the three and approached the box that Falco had left on the table. Delicately, he cut the edge with one of his claws, while his other hand lifted the lid. "I hope you are ready to hear what I say about them. Many things have changed in these parts since you left, Falco," he said noting in his direction. Falco
watched askance.
Bonding with Zoness Falco to Fox and was known by the other team, even though Falco always refused to talk about his life as Hot Rodder. Maybe Falco knew Katt since then?
"Garden City is completely destroyed," he muttered Katt, with a bias of nostalgia in his voice, effectively removing all of his thoughts.
"Garden City"?! " Falco could not restrain it, he wondered how he had never heard of this atrocity. Katt
smiled ruefully.
"Five years have passed since then. Apparently, Zoness the current government did not notify the sovereign government of Corneria of events. Apparently, the media know how to hide such news from the rest of the system. That's not the worst, Garden City was just the beginning of a number of attacks the planet by Imperial forces. Zoness is a planet free now, but not completely foreign to the laws of the system.
Of course, despite the caution with which it was kept secret, sooner or later someone outside Zoness would speak. Pepper learned of these events a few months ago, so decided to send an agent to investigate the case, "Katt said box while extracting an image projector.
" Samantha Coll was the nickname of the agent in charge of research in the public school number 4180, "Katt said while showing the identification of the agent on the screen," type dog, collie breed, age not specified. His trail was lost about a month. "
" Disappeared? "Asked Fox
" probably dead "Katt corrected." Thanks to her, Gen. Pepper not only learned from the attacks of Venom, but also of a certain group of murderers hired professionals to end life, so far, fifty people opposing the regime with political and economic influence on planets won by Andross. "Katt paused. "Any questions?"
"What we're dealing with terrorists." Peppy concluded after spending a while in silence.
Falco laughed.
"So it seems."
"What else is there about the research?" Fox asked quickly.
"The last person on the list of suspects in his blog is one Johann Krause. Apparently, according to his report, Samantha Coll-seekers were going to"
Fox opened his eyes in surprise, "Seekers?"
"is an organization that is located on planets under imperial rule, are responsible for finding missing persons. The says the organization began to form here in Zoness. However, nobody knows who's up, let alone who founded it. Personally, I think there is more than a local myth, "said Katt, some insecurity in her voice.
" Can you read that last blog entry, Miss Monroe? "Peppy asked, puzzled.
smiled Katt Peppy direction.
"With pleasure," he said as he showed on the projector the entry.
Day 29 of the second solar month of the planet:
Base is informed about a secret organization operating in the area under the name of 'The Seekers'.
A mountain hare [age: 18 years height: five feet inches, medium texture], approached undercover Number 57, alias Samantha Coll, exactly at twelve o'clock local time, shortly after Agent open interest demonstrated by the suspect's name Johann Krause. He set a subpoena for the day 30 to the three before dawn. "
" Anything else? "Inquired Falco.
shook his head." The General ordered me not to get more research for my own safety. "
" For some reason, I feel that our lives are being undervalued, "he said while Slippy sighed from his seat.
"O our valued talent, complemented Peppy, trying to be positive.
"What about my admission?" Fox asked
"Since you have been registered under the name of Kei Fox begins tomorrow at nine o'clock," said Fox Katt handing an envelope extracted from the case. "Your new ID and time are within."
"Well," said Fox accepted the envelope.
"One more thing. General has asked me to deliver something to Slippy Toad," Katt said as he approached the amphibian.
"This task will add to many other mutual fund, you'd better not refuse it. Needless to mention that I also would benefit if you accept, "he said smiling from ear to ear.
" What is it? "He managed to ask Slippy, trying to untie the knot that had formed in his throat. Something reminded him too Katt to a certain Falco Lombardi and I was getting nervous.
"Nothing too complicated, is a new system of surveillance. Should be put to the test "Falco
literally jumped out of place.
" Please, do not expect to really accept that, right? "
" Of course not. "Fox would not tolerate such a thing, was the last straw .
Slippy stood, confused.
"It's just a chip, is so small that you forget to bring as" interrupted Katt, shrugging. "The general knew this would be reluctant to experience, that's why he is leaving the project in the hands of Slippy. No one else will know your situation. It is not intended to keep under scrutiny, it is only experimental."
Fox did not stop shaking her head all explanation.
"Experimental or not,"
"Let yourself nonsense! We are not lab rats" Falco shouted.
"But this may be helpful to us, Falco, Peppy said, trying to be reasonable. "And none of us has let Slippy give their opinion."
smiled Slippy Peppy direction.
"I accept!"
Fox and Falco stared at him speechless.
"It would be an honor to meet that kind of mission. After all, technology is my strong Do not you, Fox?"
"Well ..." Fox started, scratching the back of his head. The truth, if you stop to think about it, it was not surprising that Slippy agreed to be part of the experiment. "Okay." Katt
smiled and gave a small a very happy album Slippy.
"Good choice. Now if you'll excuse me, I go to sleep"
"Katt, where are you going?" Falco asked, following her closely.
"Your Room, where else?" He replied as he opened the door and walked into the room.
"What?" But Katt had closed the door in his face. In an effort to regain their dignity, Falco turned to address his teammates.
"I will not use any of those machines!"
said, Falco turned and entered his room. -------------------------------------------------
--------------------------- Falco
closed the door behind him, the room lights were on and Katt was sitting on her bed. Falco relaxed his shoulders and approached her.
"You must use this chip, all things being created by the government of Corneria, this must be one of the few non-lethal uses something
" Why are you here? "
"Work," Katt said, flatly.
Falco smiled. Made the difficult was typical of her.
"That's not you, you are not at all. You do not work for anybody," he said as he sat at his side. Katt
moved one of his ears and smiled.
"It's been two years ...? I've changed. The Hot Rodders are no longer my life."
"Someone like you would not work for Corneria from one day to another. What happened? Are you threatened?" Her tone was becoming more serious.
"Remember ... the Catspaw? Katt began. "The General called me one day thinking he was fighting on the other hand, after they saw the Catspaw in one of the battles of MacBeth. My Catspaw."
"A month ago, my division was attacked ... burned the base, but found no remains of nowhere Catspaw" he said, stretching out both arms, he lay in bed while a big yawn out of his mouth. "We suspected mercenaries hired by someone, but never believed that someone would ... Andross."
"They stole the Catspaw ... Andross is manufacturing prototypes from him?" Katt
not answer, the answer was suspended in the air. Falco sighed annoyed, I could not believe they had a problem much bigger than a bunch of murderers.
"I do not know where to reach you, so when the General called me with this assignment, I accepted," Katt said sitting down again. "I need to join your team and get my Catspaw."
"not happen", he refuted Falco, standing up and heading for the door.
"never change ..." Katt said, was up and ahead of Falco, leaving the room before him. "I will have my back Catspaw, Falco, with or without your help." With those last words left the apartment, to an unknown destination.
Falco grunted and returned to his room angry. I knew there was nothing that could make him change his mind.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Menstruation And Swollen Gums
Updating ... Testing the personal note
= d Sapphire is re-written ... gave more than 5000 words. And
gaming law should not exceed 4000 .... I had to pass those
1000 to Garden City Pt.1
and 1000 that left over from there I pass them on to Garden City pt.2 xD
Horror! Now we just have 7 words for that chapter comes to 4000 and is closed and the bag still there xS least it is almost .... I may give a margin of 500 words? just this once.
+ new sketches
= d Sapphire is re-written ... gave more than 5000 words. And
gaming law should not exceed 4000 .... I had to pass those
1000 to Garden City Pt.1
and 1000 that left over from there I pass them on to Garden City pt.2 xD
Horror! Now we just have 7 words for that chapter comes to 4000 and is closed and the bag still there xS least it is almost .... I may give a margin of 500 words? just this once.
+ new sketches
Monday, September 17, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Canadian Cancer Foundation
Friday, June 29, 2007
How Long After Reporting To Ice
Presentations in Europe in June 2007 Farewell dear father

Presentations Archangel Club of South Kensington in London on Friday June 15, and the Club Ya'sta Club in Madrid Spain on Saturday 16 June.
Here is a slideshow with some photos of the presentations
http://www.slide.com/r/gP4sU87loT-lAWV_8G2HKr7WU9tg4oZM?previous_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original Soon there will
news about a formal tour Europe this summer. And
news about a formal tour Europe this summer. And
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Interview Questions For Equity Dealer
Carlos Orellana Pino
30/03/1929 - 23/06/2007
Sometimes a blog is a small resume. A great chapter of my life has been filled by my father, who now rests in peace today.
No words can define the need you by my side again, but also taught me that life must continue.
my thanks to all who cared and hugged me from childhood until today.
Rest in peace.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
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